321 Days of Acceptance | Week One

We are now a week into 321 Days of Acceptance and we are thrilled to have so many of you taking action to help GiGi’s Playhouse to spread the message of acceptance and belief!

Let’s recap the amazing individuals from week one!

GiGi's Playhouse  We kicked off Day one with the inspiration who stared it all. GiGi Gianni!

GiGi is 14 years old and enjoys all the things other girls her age enjoy. Music, dancing, cheerleading, mani pedi’s with friends and snap chat! GiGi does not let a diagnosis define who she is. Down syndrome is one part of her life, she gives her #bestofall each day! At GiGi’s Playhouse, GiGi takes part in Speech Therapy, GiGiFit and is always ready to welcome and snuggle new babies into the GiGi’s family. In her down time, GiGi discovered that GiGi’s Playhouse is not on Wikipedia…..she took matters into her own hands……

“Hello my name is GiGi Gianni, I am 14 years old. I am writing about GiGi’s Playhouse, my favorite place in the world. I love to hold new babies. I participate in the GiGiFit Program, it is a great fitness program, we have a lot of fun workouts. We have a store called Hugs & Mugs for shopping. There are mugs, water bottles and phone cases you can design. We even have cookies and gelato! With my mom I work on thank you cards and on speeches to help people with Down syndrome all over the country. I love traveling with my mom all over the country, we give speeches at new Playhouse openings. I love my Playhouse and I love holding new babies the best!”

GiGi’s courage, creativity and compassion inspire everyone she meets. GiGi is generous with her time and heart, and sets an example for being better every day.


On Day 2 we met Tim!

Tim is one of the wonderful interns who works hard to strengthen his career skills at the Hugs & Mugs Cafe. Tim does a great job teaching the GiGi U students. He is very very patient and does a great job showing explaining and modeling how to do the many jobs in the Cafe. Tim is the first to jump up and volunteer to get a job done, even if it is a ‘not so fun’ one.

Tim is generous, kind & accepting to everyone he meets!



GiGi's Playhouse Day 3 brought us the amazing Nicole, GiGi U Graduate and Hugs & Mugs Mentor.

Nicole used to walk to meet the school bus. Along her route, students and neighborhood children would throw rocks at her, and call her unspeakable names. Like anyone subjected to such bullying, discrimination and hate, Nicole began hiding herself away. Retreating from school experiences and friendships. Then came GiGi’s Playhouse……we shared Nicole’s story here.



GiGi's Playhouse

On Day 4 it was a joy to meet William,  William is 10 years old and enjoys spending time at GiGi’s Playhouse Atlanta. William has become an excellent reader with the support of our one on one Literacy Tutoring and loves his Scooby Doo books. He likes to sit in an help the kiddos in Pre-School Prep. It is a pleasure to have William’s help! William is a fantastic example of Generation G!

If you would like to learn more about the No Cost Programing that William enjoys please visit us here.









GiGI's Playhouse

Day 5 brought us the wonderful Isabelle. Isabelle is 17 years old. She loves volunteering at GiGi’s Playhouse – Chicago and helping with the little kids. She recently was accepted to Elmhurst College and will be living on campus and attending in the fall. We are so proud of her. Isabelle is also on the Junior Board at GiGi’s Chicago and enjoys the Get Fit and Teen Tastic programs.




GiGi's Playhouse Day 6 brought us the handsome Luke from GiGi’s Playhouse Tinley Park!

Luke’s favorite program at GiGi’s Playhouse is tutoring with his buddy, Barb. They have been partners for three years!!! We are SO lucky to have her and Luke is always excited to read with her. She’s done an incredible job and is committed to his success.

Luke’s #bestofall is his positive change in greeting his friends at the Playhouse…he now walks in and says, “Hi Beth!” and “Hi Barb!” He is naming his friends AND greeting them.

You can learn more about no cost One on One Literacy Tutoring here.



This campaign is a vital investment in advancing Generation G and our vision for global acceptance! Every day our social media fans will see a new story and a new face to introduce to the world. This campaign will help show the world how amazing our kids and adults truly are.

Down syndrome does not “discriminate”, and neither will the 321 Days of Acceptance Campaign. Pictures will represent all ages, genders and ethnicity. Pictures will include individuals with Down syndrome, alone and with parents, siblings, tutors, best friends and more.

We strongly encourage you to share the featured participant of the day on your own social media pages. Let’s unite our voices to show the world the reach, power and achievement of the GiGi’s Playhouse Family!

You can find GiGi’s Playhouse on social media …….Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter. We look forward to you joining us!

GiGi's Playhouse

educate. inspire. believe.



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