What we offer

GiGi's Playhouse offers FREE therapeutic, educational and research-driven programs to individuals of all ages with Down syndrome.

Grant our wish!

Help us make a difference by browsing our wish list! Your donations of essential items and resources directly support our mission. Explore how you can contribute today!


GiGi’s Playhouse is a volunteer-run organization and we rely on the passion and dedication of volunteers to keep our programs vibrant, educational, fun and free.

Welcome to GiGi's Playhouse Chicago!

Featured Events

Dance a thon

Snow Ball

December 8, 2024

We are beyond excited to announce that our first Snow Ball event will be held this year! We can’t wait to bust out our favorite dance moves and celebrate with our Playhouse friends, all while raising money for an incredible cause.

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#generationg hands

Take the "GenerationG" pledge

and make a commitment to being accepting, generous and kind every day and in every way! By taking the pledge, you will join a new era of game-changers that we call #GenerationG! 

Our Mission & Vision

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At GiGi's Playhouse Chicago, our mission is to change the way the world views Down syndrome and to send a global message of acceptance for all. Our vision is to see a world where individuals with Down syndrome are accepted and embraced in their families, schools and communities.

Volunteer with us!

We have a variety of programs and projects that we need volunteers for throughout the year. Click here to sign up to volunteer at GiGi's Playhouse Chicago and start making a difference in your community!

Recent Blog Post

Welcome, Sarah!

By Grace Glenny | October 29, 2024

Hello, everyone!  My name is Sarah and I will be joining GiGi’s Playhouse Chicago for the next 8 weeks as part of my Level II Fieldwork at Wright College as an Occupational Therapy Assistant student. I am excited to tutor literacy and learn alongside the participants and families here at GiGi’s Playhouse. This is my first…

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