Welcome to GiGi's Playhouse Atlanta!
Featured Event
March 29, 2025
The GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge is a physical and social MOVEment for acceptance!
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Take the "GenerationG" pledge
and make a commitment to being accepting, generous and kind every day and in every way! By taking the pledge, you will join a new era of game-changers that we call #GenerationG!
What's Happening at GiGi's Playhouse Atlanta
GigiFIT Acceptance Challenge
The greatest fuel for intolerance is misunderstanding. The GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge is a physical and social MOVEment for acceptance! Our goal is to unite 1 million supporters of the Down syndrome community to say "We can and will accept you as you are!
"i have a voice" Gala
Thank you for making our 2022 Annual Gala the BEST EVER! Our fabulous co-chairs, Dani & Allyson worked diligently on this and they truly delivered! This one will be hard to follow but we are already working on it! Stay tuned...
We are on a mission!

Our Mission and Purpose:
To change the way the world views Down syndrome and to send a global message of acceptance for all.
Our Vision: To see a world where individuals with Down syndrome are accepted and embraced in their families, schools and communities.
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