What is Down Syndrome Awareness Month?
Originally established in the 1980s, the month of October is set aside to raise understanding of Down syndrome and the amazing abilities people with the diagnosis have.
Campaigns to help you spread awareness during Down Syndrome Awareness Month
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month and around here we like to call it Acceptance Month!
This Down Syndrome Awareness Month, all it takes is one simple step to make a difference in your life and the lives of others: take the #GenerationG pledge. You’ll become a part of #GenerationG, an army of change-makers set on making the world a kinder, better place for all people. And we’ll ask you to proudly show your commitment by drawing a “G” in a heart on your hand, and sharing it on all your social media channels!
#myDSstory, stories from our community
Cheryl’s story: Embracing a beautiful journey of motherhood
Because you can make a difference! By taking the “I Accept You” pledge and joining #GenerationG, you’ll amplify the voices of all the amazing and talented people with Down syndrome who are leading full lives! They deserve acceptance, care, and respect, and you’ll be a part of living that commitment once you take the pledge. And #GenerationG is even bigger than Down syndrome—it’s about accepting ALL people!
Start a kindness rock hunt! Decorate rocks, put them around your neighborhood and post about it in your local community groups. Be sure to add 321rocks.com!
Let's get Social!
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