321 Days of Acceptance | Week 3

Welcome to week three of 321 Days of Acceptance from Generation G! Generation G is a conscious decision to be better every day.
Acceptance is a fundamental dignity for all people, regardless of ability. Acceptance is more than an act of charity, it is truly generosity “in action”.

Acceptance is the very heart and the very best of humanity. Without daily actions to create lasting acceptance, opportunities for present and future generations will falter.

In sharing a story and image each day it is our hope to flood social media with the truth about how normal Down syndrome is and how extraordinary people with Down syndrome are!  You are helping the mission of Generation G & acceptance by simply sharing these posts (Found each morning on our Facebook page) with your friends on social media! Thank you. We are stronger together.

Here is who inspired us and made us smile in week 3……


GiGi's Playhouse, Acceptance

Day 14 – Meet Iris is 6 years old. She’s thriving in a typical kindergarten class, and particularly loves reading and math. She plays on the town soccer team with other kindergarteners, is in a Daisy Girl Scout troop, and is a huge New York Mets fan! Iris can be found enjoying no cost programing at GiGi’s Playhouse Westchester.





GiGi's Playhouse, Acceptance Day 15 – Lizzie is 23 years old and loves the T.E.A.M program at GiGi’s Playhouse Sugar Land! Lizzie ALWAYS comes in with a smile and is always ready to get busy with her T.E.A.M buddies. Lizzie was just crowned Queen in her age group at the Miss Amazing Pageant! We are so proud of you Lizzie!




GiGi's Playhouse, Acceptance Day 16 – Let us introduce you to Bristol and Abby! Bristol is 7 Abby is 9. They both participate with Playhouse Pals at GiGi’s Playhouse Quad Cities. Abby also enjoys her tutoring sessions. They enjoy being together even outside of the Playhouse. All programs at GiGi’s Playhouse have a social component, we look to foster friendships and all that they include.





Acceptance, GiGi's Playhouse Day 17 – Today we get to meet the beautiful Savanna! This little beauty is 5 years old and loves to walk the cat walk at the yearly Fashion show at GiGi’s Playhouse McHenry County





Acceptance, GiGi's Playhouse

Day 18 – Meet Colin from GiGi’s Playhouse Des Moines. Colin is 4 years old and his favorite programs are Leaps and Bounds and one on one literacy tutoring. Colin has had three really wonderful tutors since he has started the programs at GiGi’s Playhouse. Colin loves attending programming, tutoring, open play, and special events at GiGi’s. Lately, Colin has been working on his bball skills in the gym shooting hoops with his big sis.








Day 19 – Word of the day….#giggles, we mean come on look at this guy! Meet Jordan who is 6 years old and can be found having a blast at GiGi’s Playhouse Fort Wayne! Jordan’s favorite GiGi’s No Cost program is One on One Literacy Tutoring! “JoJo is a bundle of nonstop energy and love! He puts forth his best effort and is using his words more and more. His smile lights up the room and don’t get us started on his giggle!” Says Site Director Holly Tonak







Acceptance, GiGi's PlayhouseDay 20 – Meet the adorable Henry from GiGi’s Playhouse Hillsborough! Henry is 2 years old and loves to explore everything! He also loves Dinotrux. Who can blame him, that show is pretty amazing to lots of 2 year old kiddo’s!









Now we are off to an amazing week 4! Join us each day on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram and share Generation G!


have you visited a gigi’s playhouse yet? we would love of you to join the gigi’s family and our no cost purposeful & progressive programing! you can find your location here!


This campaign is a vital investment in advancing Generation G and our vision for global acceptance! Every day our social media fans will see a new story and a new face to introduce to the world. This campaign will help show the world how amazing our kids and adults truly are.

Down syndrome does not “discriminate”, and neither will the 321 Days of Acceptance Campaign. Pictures will represent all ages, genders and ethnicity. Pictures will include individuals with Down syndrome, alone and with parents, siblings, tutors, best friends and more. If you would like to see your loved one included in please contact Heather at hrodriguez@gigisplayhouse.org.

We strongly encourage you to share the featured participant of the day on your own social media pages. Let’s unite our voices to show the world the reach, power and achievement of the GiGi’s Playhouse Family!


GiGi's Playhouse

educate. inspire. believe. 

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