Why Do We Walk, Run & Dash?

We are proud to share from one of our beloved Playhouse moms today, Grace and why this event is important to her and her family.

💛💙Who am I walking for?💛💙

FOR MY DAUGHTER SARA ❤️ and her friends Amelia, Emilia, and Veronika.

Why am I asking you to donate to GiGi’s?

GiGi’s Playhouse offers FREE educational, therapeutic and career programs that are designed for individuals with Down syndrome and the way they learn best.

Sara has been receiving FREE Speech Therapy since she was 3 years old, FREE Math and Literacy Tutoring for the past 2 years. She has been participating in LMNOP class since she was born, Destination Discovery, Leaps and Bounds, Cheer Gems, GiGiFest, and many other events and celebrations.

GiGi’s Playhouse has been there for me, Jim and our son Phillip since we were expecting and received the prenatal Down syndrome diagnosis. The staff and families there gave us strength and hope for the future.  Many friendships started there and they are our extended families now.

GiGi’s Playhouse is not just a building or just another place for Sara to go, IT IS OUR SECOND HOME that brings a smile on my daughter’s face and excitement. A place where she absolutely loves to go! And never wants to leave. A place where she is welcomed and accepted.

💰Any donation, any kind of generosity is greatly appreciated. 💰
And if you want to join our team
POLISH GIRLS ROCK  you can sign up/support  HERE!

Thank you for your gift and generosity!❤️

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  1. Richard Reilly on May 17, 2019 at 4:25 pm

    Grace, you state so well the essence of GiGi’s Playhouse. I have been an advocate for the disabled for nearly fifty years and have worked with numerous non profits. GiGi’s Playhouse, by far, is the most comprehensive, pure, and genuine of all. A volunteer based labor force and then giving the product away free? Not quite the makings of a typical successful and sustainable business plan. There must be something miraculous going on here, like LOVE ! Donors, “run” to GiGi’s Playhouse and become part of the miracle. Big Love! Richard Reilly – The Grandparent Connection.

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