Notes From Nancy | What we will we bring into 2017
The eb & flow from one year to the next, so many big and little thing happen and we have the opportunity to learn and grow from all.
Notes from Nancy Gianni, what we will take with us.
I see irony and God in everything that happens in my life. This week I ended the year meeting a brand new beautiful, three week old baby with Down syndrome that surprised her parents with her diagnosis. I also hugged another mom who lost her beautiful daughter with Down syndrome too soon. It made me realize how blessed I am to be with these amazing mothers during the hardest times of their lives. One, entering into a scary world of heart surgery and the fear of a life-long diagnosis and the other trying to figure out how to live her life without this beautiful, life-long diagnosis.
I am grateful to learn from both of them. As hard as a lifelong diagnosis is, you make that commitment to your baby that you will ALWAYS be there for them. From the minute you wake up to the minute you put them to bed they are at the forefront of your thoughts. Different than your other kids where, as they grow, you slowly let go. This 24/7 commitment is real. When it is gone, after you so graciously honored it, that void is indescribable. We saw that with too many families this year. Please remember to pray for all of the families who have lost their beautiful children. We will continue the work of supporting families and changing the way the world sees Down syndrome to honor each beautiful soul.
This year may have been a hard year for you but when you have perspective in your life I think it helps you to open your eyes to the gifts you have and be grateful. I know it has for me. At times, in the past, I have been intolerant of people who do not see the gifts that are in front of them every day. I would challenge them to open their eyes but that does not always work! Some people just don’t want to change. So now I will try to quietly help people by sharing the stories of some of the strongest, most amazing families I have ever met!
Every month 230 new people join the GiGi’s family!
I will have lots of stories to share! I am blessed to be a part of the hugs, the tears, and the strength I feel in every parent (even when they do not know they have it yet). From a birth to a death, from a prenatal diagnosis to crawling then to walking, from signing to reading, from learning to achieving, from couch to career, we make a lifetime commitment to our families and I am honored to be a part of it (and learn from it) every day.
Have a wonderful new year and remember to live Generation G! Make that conscious decision to be better every day! That may be as simple as an extra smile as you see someone, a thank you, or stepping out of your comfort zone to help someone. It can be as big or little as you like! Just Be Generous, Be Kind and Be Accepting, be #GenerationG
Love you all!!
Nancy Gianni, Chief Belief Officer and GiGi’s Mom
What a busy year it has been for GiGi’s Playhouse’s across the nation! In the last year, GiGi’s Playhouse had over 10,000 program hours, over 16,000 program participants, and over 50,000 volunteer hours including therapists, tutors, event chairpersons, and more! We can not wait to see what 2017 will bring! Want to be a part of this world changing organization?! Be sure to take a peek at our Locations to find one near you or maybe you are ready to start the work of bringing a GiGi’s Playhouse to your community, see our How To Start for more information. Here is to another amazing year at GiGi’s Playhouse! What are you excited for?