Navigating the Challenges of Virtual Learning

Every parent with a child in school understands the obstacles related to virtual learning – whether that child is in participating in school from home part of the week or full-time. After nearly a year of virtual schooling for some students, there are many questions about how to best address issues with engagement in remote learning.

Students have experienced everything from having difficulty focusing in a virtual setting to lacking the motivation to complete assignments or attend classes online.

If you happen to have questions, guest speaker Megan Cox has the answers in Virtual Learning: Survival Tips for Parents. Her focus is on practical, realistic strategies for parents to help kids with participation and engagement in remote learning without power struggles or tantrums. She shares easy, actionable ideas and reassures parents who feel pressure to “make” their child engage in virtual learning.

Video of Megan Cox’s guest speaking opportunity can be viewed online at

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  1. Susan Campbell on January 22, 2021 at 7:11 am

    How do I sign up for your blog? Susan

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