A Daily Stand for Global Acceptance

GiGi and Sam at one of their many dance recitals.

GiGi and Sam at one of their many dance recitals at Bataille Academie of the Danse.


Friends: today we come to you with troubling news – news that demonstrates why GiGi’s Playhouse fights so hard every day for Global Acceptance. We BELIEVE that people of all abilities should be treated with dignity. Not everyone does. We believe people of all abilities should be included. Not everyone does. We believe people of all abilities should be extended opportunities to achieve their BEST OF ALL. Not everyone does. Below is an excerpt from an e-mail we received at the National Office last week. All the successes we strive for with our no-fee programs is a true testament to our amazing and talented individuals, families and volunteers. With that said, eradicating situations like the one below and helping people learn the value of Global Acceptance is the path to true social change and the realization of GiGi’s Playhouse Vision. Please share this post with a full heart, and with the spirit of teaching people the importance of love, tolerance and acceptance.

“A friend posted on Facebook today about a dance studio in suburban NY that denied entry to a child with Down syndrome. Any advice, support or help would be appreciated.”

[POST] She tried to register her children at “XXX” Dance School. They weren’t interested in her daughter who has Down syndrome. [My friend] said: “Something happened today to us that parents should NEVER have to go through. I called the owner of “XXX” School to speak to him about possibly registering Anna and Charlotte. I told him Anna has danced for 6 years – 2 at one school and most recently, 4 at another school. Then I told him she has Down syndrome. What he said next angered me to the core. He told me he has never, in the 46 years his studio has been in the business, had someone with problems like her, a retarded dancer. He went on to tell me that they wouldn’t be equipped to handle or manage her and that there are special schools of dance for her. He told [a colleague] that he “allows people with learning disabilities like dyslexia at his studio because they can keep time.” He ended by saying…“it’s best if she doesn’t come her, now what about your other daughter is she disabled too?”

Thank you for reading, and thank you for sharing. It’s very important that WE ALL SHARE this post. We are always stronger together, and together we can use our voices to change the world. Together, we can show the owner the true reach of GiGi’s Playhouse in condemning his intolerance and viciousness, and at the same time show the world the compassion of GiGi’s Playhouse by not releasing the name of the studio. Together we will always stand for our amazing children, adults and Playhouse families. Together we WILL change society. We will never stop fighting. We WILL be victorious.


#gigisbelieves  #globalacceptance  #strongertogether  #onevoice  #downsyndrome  #allabilities

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  1. Cathy Judge on August 25, 2015 at 6:56 am

    We will continue to work to change outdated perception and fight for inclusion for all of our kids.

  2. Natasha AuBuchon on August 25, 2015 at 7:35 am

    This is so sad, yet very familiar. My daughters participated in a local dance studio for a year two weeks before recital after making deposits for both my daughters costumes and purchasing tickets for myself and family I was pulled to the side after practice and told my youngest would not be allowed to participate. They were afraid her issues would be a distraction or she may misbehave during the recital! Broke my heart I pulled both girls right then! Why can people be so cruel??? It’s truly sickening. So sorry you had to go through this

  3. Ammie Blahuta on August 25, 2015 at 12:47 pm

    What a horrible thing. I am so sorry for the family that had to go through this. And I feel sorry for the dance instructor. He will never experience pure joy and he’s providing a disservice to his other students. If it were me, I would inform all my community of what studio it was. Let others take their business elsewhere and join forces as a community. That what’s we are all here for.


  5. mary on August 25, 2015 at 1:45 pm

    The same thing happened to my daughter about three years ago. My older daughters were attending a very well known dance studio in the burbs of Chicago . When I went to register my 5 year old with DS,I was told we do not accept those children here.
    Fournetly for me another studio in the area did not question my daughters different abilities .
    Discrimination still happens everyday and everyone needs to take against it!

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