Determination, Hard Work & Achievement | GiGi Prep

We love this blog post originally shared by an amazing volunteer from GiGi’s Playhouse Sugarland.  The sweet deal with being a volunteer at GiGi’s Playhouse not only means you are helping to support achievement and success in the lives of individuals with Down syndrome, you yourself to learn and grow in ways you may not have expected!



GiGi Prep is a wonderful 6-week teaching program for adults with Down syndrome where our friends learn how to make healthy lifestyle choices with core areas of the curriculum being Confident U, Healthy U, and Whole U. I was blessed enough to be on this journey with them and observing their transformation from class to class was phenomenal. Seeing their confidence grow as they walked through the doors, watching their eyes slowly raise until they met mine and receiving a handshake or a huge hug. Watching their faces light up as we discussed our feelings and how to handle them or where to turn when we need help. Knowing that they weren’t alone in what was happening in their world, that we all shared common fears, tribulations and also victories. Noticing hands go up left and right because they also wanted to share stories or ask questions or just show support for their friend. One day we were in a very deep conversation about how difficult days can be and how hugs or high-fives can really help lift a person up. The best part was one of our friends who isn’t comfortable with hugs at all saw a friend in need and stood up to give her one. The next thing I know there’s 9 of us in one giant group hug. I will say I had tears of joy in my eyes watching them recognize the need in not only themselves but those around them.

Let’s be real, fitness is not for the weak and in Texas during the summertime… no, thank you. But every Wednesday and Friday we started our day exercising for 20 minutes outside (yes, you read that correctly… outside) and not once was there ever a complaint. We walked around the building multiple times, we stepped over low hurdles, we practiced side-stepping with an agility ladder, and then after that, we’d go inside for Zumba.

I’m not going to lie, there were many times that you could tell someone was struggling and the comrade was beyond anything I’ve ever seen.

They would cheer their friends on, hold on to one another to help them through the exercise if needed and even call them out if they weren’t putting the effort in because they knew they had it in them to do better. Then after lunch, we’d do it all over again and they truly enjoyed it because they knew they were making their bodies healthy & happy.
 Speaking of being healthy, every Friday we made lunch together, being mindful of what we were putting in our bodies and how much of it. Our first Friday I was terrified because there were knives everywhere I looked, cutting into fruits and vegetables… I remember thinking that this is not going to end well. Showing our friends how to hold a knife, how to cut into something without hurting ourselves, I don’t believe I’ve ever sweat so much. 6 short weeks later, it’s like they’ve been doing it their whole lives. Jacob, Mainak, and Tyler are grape cutting experts. You need tomato diced, Nicole is your gal and then there’s Kristi teaching me how to cut a watermelon with a huge grin on her face. My favorite was when Carrie taught us all how to make parfaits. She stood up in front of all of her peers for 5 minutes instructing us on how to make them exactly the same size as a fist for exact portion control and why they were so healthy. I can honestly say it was the most delicious parfait I’ve ever had. They are thrilled to be able to learn with 100% complete hands-on experience. That they’re making it for each other as a team is an extra bonus.
One of the earlier class lessons was having everyone make vision boards to help them set goals and visualize themselves in the future. There’s talk of one day GiGi’s having a cafe serving coffee and tea for them to be employed at. How AMAZING would that be? A very important life skill that they’ll need is learning how to count money and learning all the different coins. This was extremely challenging for our friends, but they were determined to conquer it. They had weekly homework that they brought back beyond proud of themselves for completing it. My personal favorite was watching them learn how to count by fives. Every week the counting got louder and louder until they were yelling because they knew beyond a doubt what the next number was going to be. They also had flash cards with coins on one and the combined amount of the coins on the other one that would have to match together to make it a pair. These could be extremely frustrating, but again our friends are never alone when confronted with a challenge, there is always someone to help them succeed. They also had to master how to introduce themselves to new people and make small talk. We brought my husband in for this exercise to surprise them with a new face and they were unwavering. They each took turns walking right up to him, looking him in the eye, introducing themselves and asking how he was, some more than once. My husband had such a wonderful time getting to know them that he ended up staying for an hour and was sad when it was time to move on to the subject.
On the last day of GiGi’s Prep, we made certificates for our friends and presented them right before it was time to leave. As each person was called to receive their certificate, the smiles on their faces were one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen. I’ll never ever forget the moment when Carrie was handed her certificate.

She whispered in awe “I did it”, then tears of joy started rolling down her cheeks and she pumped both fists in the air just like Rocky and said it again but this time with certainty… I DID IT!!!

They are recognizing the potential they have in themselves and that truly can accomplish anything that set their minds to. Down syndrome in no way defines our friends. It’s just like I have freckles, brown hair and wear glasses. It’s part of who they are, but what really defines them is their constant joy, that they are always looking out for one another, their love to laugh and be silly, their desire to learn, and to be recognized and not discriminated.
Are you smiling as big as we are after reading this? You can learn more about GiGi Prep and all of the Career Development Programs the GiGi’s Playhouse offers FREE to individuals with Down syndrome HERE! 

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  1. Paula Jones on August 30, 2018 at 10:38 am

    Ashley Jones loves coming to Gigis. She lo 31s to hang with her friends

  2. Paula Jones on August 30, 2018 at 10:41 am

    Ashley Jones loves coming to Gigis. She love1s to hang with her friends she was I in the first gigi u class.

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