A New Era

Hi Everyone, Jen here. I’m the webmaster for GiGi’s and am excitied to tell you about this new feature…a GiGi’s blog!

We all know how you can’t get enough of how much awareness GiGi’s is providing for the Down syndrome community and this is going to be a brand new tool to keep you up to date on how we are doing and to highlight some of our day to day activity.

I believe for the most part Nancy will be posting these but from time to time I bet there will be guest bloggers.

As a mom and advocate I encourage everyone to start a blog…help us spread more awareness!! Lets change the world’s view of Down syndrome!! If you have one related to Down syndrome, send us the link and we can add it to our blog page.

My inspiration:

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OK I forgot the pictures last time so here they are!!  The first thing she said when I wanted to take the picture was "pose?  OK...BAM!" and she flung her...

McHenry Playhouse opens!!

How cool is that!!    Check out GiGi with the donut in her hand during the ribbon cutting!! (how unusual!!)  The other little girl in the picture is Riley and...

Hangin’ with Grandpa at the Senior center!

Of course that is Grandpa in the red GiGi's Playhouse shirt!!   Grandpa and his friend Murad (in the bottom picture) are some of GiGi's biggest fans!  If she was...

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