321 Days of Acceptance | Day 76 Nadia

Can you believe it is already Day 76 of 321 Days of Acceptance! We have met some amazing individuals from all over the country and we are excited to introduce you to more! 

This campaign serves as a vital effort to advancing Generation G and our vision for global acceptance! Every day social media fans will meet a new hero and learn something about their life.

Down syndrome does not “discriminate”, and neither will the 321 Days of Acceptance Campaign. Pictures will represent diversity in age, gender and ethnicity. Pictures will also include individuals with Down syndrome, alone and with parents, siblings, tutors, best friends and more.

We strongly encourage you to share the featured participant of the day on your own social media pages. Let’s unite our voices to show the world what lasting acceptance truly looks like!


Today we meet Nadia who has been a big part of GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse since it’s opening in 2012! 


GiGi's Playhouse

Nadia’s mom, Kasia, is sharing what GiGi’s has meant to her family…..

GiGi’s Playhouse is a favorite destination for all of us. Every time we say we are going our kids light up like Christmas lights. It is a place where everyone is equally valued and accepted. It is a place  where each of us finds what we need on any given day – laughter, support, hugs, movement, fun, friends, understanding, learning/teaching and goodness.

Nadia has been an active participant in several of GiGi’s Playhouse programs. Open Play allows her to freely mingle with variety of friends of different ages she is able to figure her own way through social life. Leaps and Bounds allows her to learn in a small group, taking turns, using her whole body to learn academic concepts and have fun while doing it. In her one on one literacy tutoring she is building confidence in her abilities to read, persevere on tough academic tasks when tired and than show off her skills later on in her own classroom in front of peers. Nadia’s teacher reported to GiGi’s Literacy Coordinator that Miss Nadia had made huge improvements in her reading and when tested was on grade level with her typical peers! Go Nadia!

The value of GiGi’s Playhouse presence in our community is in bringing awareness of what Down syndrome is and dismantling misconceptions about this chromosomal difference,  spreading acceptance for differences and variability in all people.  ~ Kasia Gonciarz


GiGi's Playhouse


Would you like to see yourself or your loved one with Down syndrome featured in this acceptance building campaign?  Well we sure would! Please contact our National Engagement Specialist, Heather, today (hrodriguez@gigisplayhouse.org) and we will get started!



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