#tuesdaytips | Language Music N Our Peeps
GiGi’s Playhouse is the only nationwide network of Down syndrome achievement centers for children and adults with Down syndrome, offering NO COST (to participants) educational and therapeutic programs that unleash confidence and promote continuous improvement. GiGi’s programs are not just a playgroup, we use play to learn! Today we have Sarah Buti, M.S., CCC-SLP giving us some great tips on how we can take the fun of Language Music ‘N Our Peeps home with us to always be building our skills and give our #bestofall.
LMNOP Tips and Tricks
Language, Music N Our Peeps is all about promoting the development of language through music and play for our little ones. The goal of LMNOP is to introduce and increase children’s use of basic sign language and vocalizations through music, song and movement.
Parents can hope to see improved confidence, attending, school readiness and communication between children and their families. The success of LMNOP is achieved through purposeful progression: circle time, carpet seats, visual schedules and more!!
The following is a list of tools and activities to use both in the Playhouse and at home to help support the development of speech and language.
Bubbles: Bubbles focuses on requesting more, using the b, m, g, p, w sounds, following a routine and imitating words and sounds. Practice saying or signing “open” and “bubble”. Say “Ready, Set, Go!”. Blow bubbles. Say “wow” as the fall. When bubbles land, start popping them and say “pop” each time. Before the next round of bubbles, ask “more?”
Shape Sorter: Shape sorters are great for providing more opportunities for cognitive skills such as joint attention and object permanence. They also provide opportunities for learning concepts such as in, out, on, under, next to and so on. If your little one also learns his shape vocabulary along the way, that is a BONUS!
Songs and Finger Play Books: Songs and finger play books provide opportunities for language learning using your babies many senses.
Plush, Sensory-Stimulating Books: Similar to the songs and finger play books, plush and sensory-stimulating books will draw in your child’s attention while also providing their sensory-seeking behaviors with some relief.
Tunnels/Tent Sets: Not only are these sets fantastic for gross motor development, but they allow for so many opportunities for language as well. Tunnels/Tent sets can be used as part of an obstacle course, for example. Going in and out and under and through is so much fun and is great for working on listening and following directions.
Farm Set: Work on teaching the names of all the animals and the sounds they make! Basic Concepts: Using the animals and the barn, you can work on all the prepositional concepts like in, out, on, under, between, next to, etc. You can work on some/most/all, first/then/last, big/medium/small, big/bigger/biggest, etc. and all the colors. Social/pragmatic skills: You can use these items to work on turn taking, a very important social skills. Take turns with the animals. Work on asking “May I have a turn please?” or “May I have the horse please?” Work on eye contact while you play and talk.
Be sure to check out your local GiGi’s Playhouse for dates and time for LMNOP!
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