To Remy……

Remy Forever.  Love from GiGi’s Playhouse

GiGi's Playhouse

Remy J. Kincinas, age 4, met the eyes of Jesus on Saturday, November 12, 2016. His final days were spent surrounded by family and friends that Remy had touched in some small way throughout his short, yet very memorable life.

Remy’s gentle smile brought joy to all that knew him. He was cherished and loved by the Down syndrome community, his teachers at Ridge Central Elementary School, staff of GiGis Playhouse of Tinley Park, and the DSDN’s Rockin’ Moms.

We watched as friends from all over the world pulled together to love the Kincinas family through the unimaginable and we will continue loving.

We asked for some GiGi’s Playhouse friends, who love the Kincinas family, to share love here on our blog in hopes that this space and these words will be a place of comfort.




For Remy…

“Life is a grand story made of adventures. These adventures are lived out by heroes, shaped by love, comprised of great victories, and once in a while – are met with devastating tragedies. All we can hope for is that the story of a hero’s life is filled with many chapters and maximum love over the longest possible period of time. Heroes come into our lives in all shapes and sizes – often times when we need them most – but sometimes they leave us much too early.

An author once shared about a hero, “We see in them something we think is not in us. Someone who inspires us by their example. Someone who moves us emotionally to connect with them. Many times, this hero does not understand why they are being exalted merely for doing what they believed and thought was correct and right. They did not think at the moments or during the episode, “if I do this, I will be loved and adored forever”. They simply did what was in them. Thank God above for this hero.”

There’s also a legendary story about a great hero – a person truly larger than life who enjoyed many adventures and touched many people along his journey. A love song describes the closing chapter of this hero’s great journey: “And the doors are open now, as the bells are ringing out… ‘Cause the man of the hour is taking his final bow…I feel that this is just goodbye for now.”

Remy’s heroic superpower was showing how to lead with love and reminding us how important it is to make the most time possible for meaningful connections in life – as these connections are never guaranteed to last. Remy’s superpower was teaching us that every moment with loved ones is truly precious – every smile, every hug, every song and every adventure – and that these moments should never deprioritized or taken for granted.

Remy is our superhero. Remy’s powers of bravery, kindness and love will be carried and celebrated in our hearts forever. For this reason, Remy will never fully leave us. Today is not about a final goodbye. Today is not even about tragedy. Today is yet another act of heroism from our sweet Remy – our powerful hero – reminding us to make the most of our own time with those who matter most – our children and loved ones who shape our most significant adventures. Today and tomorrow we will live larger, better and closer than ever before to the ones we love.

Thank you Remy. This is just “goodbye for now.” We love you.” ~ Kristin Malek, GiGi’s Playhouse, Inc. 


“I had the great honor and privilege of interacting with Remy and his family, here at the Playhouse in Tinley Park (link to the Tinley Park Website). The first time I met Remy’s mom, Sheryl, was at the Playhouse before I was Site Director. We had been communicating on Facebook as we had the mutual connection of Down syndrome. Sheryl was the type of person who made you feel welcome the first time you spoke with her. Remy’s dad, John is the exact same way. We connected outside GiGi’s at swim lessons, as Remy’s sister Hazel and my son Ben went to swim lessons at the same time. John and Sheryl both have hearts of gold, and are the type of people who would give you the shirts off their backs. 

Remy and his family usually came to the Playhouse together and Remy was always SO excited to be here. He always had a huge smile on his face, and he was just the sweetest boy. He LOVED being outside in the back yard on our playset and running in the yard with his siblings. Remy had a great love for his brother and sister, and it was so apparent when they came to the Playhouse. They always spent the majority of their time here together playing outside, or in the fine motor room with the kitchen. Remy also loved books, and I would frequently find him reading in our downstairs library area. 

Our families often express how GiGi’s changed their lives, but I owe each of our families a great debt and Remy’s family is no different. I will be forever grateful for the blessing that they are in my life, that they allowed me to be a part of their journey with Remy, and for the love and kindness they showed me every time they were here. Remy’s memory will live on forever here at the Playhouse. He will be immortalized through a butterfly on our beautiful memorial in our 2&Under room. His name will also be added to one of our awards that we give out at Gala time. I will never forget his beautiful smile.” ~ Beth, GiGi’s Playhouse Tinley Park.

“I met Sheryl just a few months ago at GiGi’s Playhouse in Tinley Park.  She was with her youngest son, Truman.  We had planned on getting together, because we had a few outside connections, but had never met in person.  The biggest thing we had in common was raising a special needs child – my 18 month old daughter with Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome and her 4 year old son with Down Syndrome.  The world of special needs gave us a bond one only knows if they are lucky enough to have such a blessing in their life.  She was so laid back and easy to talk to, that I felt as if we have known each other for years.  She spoke of her children…each with equal amounts of love.  I remember telling her how much I adored all of the names of her children.  I was looking forward to meeting Remy and Hazel some day.  It sounded like they were a lively and fun bunch.  My heart hurt when I found out about Remy’s accident and even more so when he passed away.  GiGi’s is such a close knit family, so when something happens good or bad, it is embraced by everyone in the community.  I am sending so many prayers to this wonderful family who has gained a new angel to watch over them.” ~ Keely Absher

“I will never forget the day I met Sheryl Kincinas. It was the day I took  photographs for Changing the Face of Beauty.  As she started telling me her story of the birth of Remy, all the beautiful friends she was connected too because of this gorgeous boy I could not have enjoyed her more. Of course until she told me about her and her husband John Kincinas work with others who happen to also be a part of the disability community. When Remy was born he was just a natural extension of what made them happiest. Helping and supporting those who sometimes need a little help. That conversation turned into a friendship and I enjoyed working with both of them professionally over the years. They are both extraordinary people who naturally give of themselves to others. Remy you were a light, a beautiful bright light that will never be forgotten.

So much love to you, Sheryl and John.” ~ Katie Driscol


GiGi's Playhouse


As Nancy was speaking with Remy’s mom, Sheryl she shared that little Hazel asked if this meant they couldn’t go to GiGi’s Playhouse anymore. Sheryl  of course told her that GiGi’s Playhouse was a place for everyone!  Yes! Everyone is welcome and wanted at GiGi’s.

We will each now carry Remy in our hearts as we move forward, we will live out a legacy of smiles, kindness, joy and acceptance to honor this very special little man. Please leave a comment of love for Remy’s family.


Remy Forever

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  1. Erin Komacki on November 18, 2016 at 8:02 am

    I have never had the pleasure of meeting Remy or your beautiful family. Please know that there were so many of us who did not know your family that were and still are constantly praying and sending love and light to your family. We love you, we are here for you!! #remystrong #remyforever

    The Komacki Family

  2. Yadi on November 18, 2016 at 11:20 am

    I second the sentiments of the Komacki family above. We did not have the pleasure of meeting remarkable Remy and his wonderful family but we have sent prayers and will continue to do so. We are here for you, too!

    The Swanson Family

  3. Laurie on November 18, 2016 at 4:59 pm

    My sister met Jesus eye to eye in 2004. She was 40 yrs old. Perhaps Remy is celebrating with her. Can’t wait to join them. I miss her everyday. Sorry for your loss.

  4. Katy V on May 8, 2018 at 3:11 am

    What a sad and yet a lovely story. We really can’t tell when will our life end that’s why we need to love our family and friends as much as we can while they are still beside us. Thanks for sharing your story. It’s inspiring how you handle your loss. Losing someone is one of the worst feeling we could ever feel.

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