To my Sofia On Her First Day …

First days of school are starting, with that comes feelings of excitement, hope, fears, nerves and a new push to advocate, change the way children with disabilities are seen in all parts of their communities! GiGi’s wants to wish you ALL an amazing school year and we will want to see and hear from you. Details will be at the bottom of this post.   Today we share a beautiful letter from GiGi’s Playhouse Fort Myers Board President, Samantha wrote to her daughter, her words will grab your heart. Promise.


To my Sofia on her first day of kindergarten,

You weren’t there today when I waited until the very last minute to buy your school supplies, and while I wish you got to pick out your favorite color lunch box, I’m glad you weren’t there.

I spent close to 2 hours in target today. I started with everything but your first day supplies. When I got to those, I left a total of 5 times to wonder (cry – a lot) to the areas for new clothes, new shoes, new backpack, new lunch box, new water bottle, new… which I had already bought a month ago. See, every time I started getting school supplies, I kept thinking of everything they could make fun of you for, or see you as different. So, I bought all new, again. When I got to the supplies, I bought more than asked. So the teachers won’t think of you as inferior.

You don’t have a fair shot. You will experience things that a tiny little 5-year-old shouldn’t. But. You’ll give them more than they’ll give you. You’ll show them that you can. You’ll prove to them that you’re just Sofia. Sofia first. You’re funny, you love to dance and sing, color, read books, and play teacher.

One day, they’ll remember you, and when they see someone with additional needs they’ll remember who you were. They’ll remember Sofia. Their friend. Their equal.

I also want to tell you sorry. I’m raising you to be the face of Down syndrome. To show your peers (typical and t21+) to be the example, not the exception. I’m raising you to change the world. And that’s not okay. No parent should ask so much from their kindergartener. But I do. Because I know you’re changing the universe. I know you’re changing your future.

I love you. I love you more than words can express and I’m so proud of you. For the next 20 years, you’ll be in school (including college), and I can’t wait to see who you will become. You’re not a unicorn amongst horses, you’re a pegasus. Fly my love.

Love, your mommy


Friends share your first day of school pictures with us on social media by tagging #gigisplayhouse we want to celebrate all these amazing world changers and students out there!


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  1. Kerri Haycook on August 10, 2018 at 5:13 pm

    Beautiful, Samantha!!! Sofia is going to be a rock star in Kindergarten!!
    – Kerri Haycook

  2. Vicki Sorber on August 16, 2018 at 8:37 am

    I am writing this filled with all the emotions Samantha’s letter to Sophia sparks. Sophia is truly a gift to us all. Her zest for life is contagious. She is so fortunate to have courageous parents who believe in her and her ability to change the face of Down to society.

    Vicki Sorber

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