Thoughtful | GiGi’s Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Centers

on the sidewalks of new york

Valentine’s Day is now past but the warmth of someone caring continues. We remember the sentiment, “How thoughtful!” Thoughtfulness can be spontaneous or the result of deliberate internal debate. It’s a first step in an act of kindness or generosity. And sometimes it occurs in the strangest of ways, such as viewed from the actions of a young boy on a city sidewalk.


GiGi's Playhouse Thoughtful Our grandson Louis (8) lives in Brooklyn, NY. He has speech therapy twice a week, after school. His other grandparents, Betty and Lou, come in from Long Island to take him on Mondays, and Marilee and I drive in from Connecticut on Wednesdays. It’s a highlight in the week for all of us. With his great negotiating skills, Louis has developed a pretty iron-clad routine for these trips to the therapist. Monday it’s the ice cream truck, Wednesday it’s a toasted poppyseed bagel with cream cheese at the deli. They all know him by name.




GiGi's Playhouse Thoughtful The old man with a cup who stands on the stairway landing of the Borough Hall subway station knows him, too. “Ah, my friend Louie!” he calls when Louis comes up the steps. “Hello, my friend,” replies Louis, as he hands the old man a dollar. “Maybe you will get a coffee.” “Maybe I’ll get a pickle!” “Maybe you’ll get a bagel!” “How’s school?” “Fine.” “Take good care of Grandma.” “I will. Bye!” They shake hands and fist bump.



One Wednesday afternoon, Grandma paused in the subway lobby at Borough Hall and said, “Louis, I only have enough money to buy your bagel. We won’t have anything to give to your friend. We’ll just say hello and go on .” Louis looked thoughtful as they walked up the steps. He had another plan. Louis makes no negative judgement of the old man. He sees a friend in need. He was confident the old man would see his need just as equally. So instead of passing by as if his friend were a stranger, Louis went right to him. He was greeted with, “Ah, Louie, my friend!” Louis motioned his hands dramatically in a criss-cross fashion. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I have no money for you today. I only have enough for my bagel.” “That’s okay. It’s alright, Louie, my friend. God bless you.” “Okay,” said Louis as he shook his hand. As Louis and Grandma went up the steps to the sidewalk, he turned and yelled, “See you later!”

Louis’ act of thoughtfulness that day was beyond the worth of a dollar bill. Others might fill the cup, but how many could fill this old man’s need for respect? And Louis asked him for understanding. He generously gave it.

One of the foundational tenets of GiGi’s Playhouse is thoughtfulness. Its reward is in the giving and receiving. Valentine’s Day? A New Year’s resolution? A bumper sticker reminder of “random act of kindness”? Sure. And look, also, to the ordinary everyday moments. A simple smile, a wave, an actual “good morning” to someone on the crowded sidewalk.

Become part of the Generation G dialog: Be Generous, Be Kind, Be Accepting. We invite you to make a comment. We’d like to hear about your special encounters and what prompted the response, “How thoughtful!!”

Richard Reilly
The Grandparent Connection


The Interns at Hugs & Mugs have created a special Thoughtful water bottle to give away to one of our friends!  Please tell us about a moment of thoughtfulness you have witnessed that made a difference to you.  You can leave your comments below or visit us on Facebook.

Winner will be randomly picked on Monday February 27th. Please share with the thoughtful people in your life!GiGi's Playhouse





GiGi's PlayhouseDon’t forget to snag you 3:21 (World Down Syndrome Day) Tee shirts today! You can stop into Hugs & Mugs Cafe or you can order on line HERE. 

GiGi's Playhouse


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  1. Makayla Mills on November 3, 2019 at 6:48 am

    Gigi’s Playhouse Tee shirts pleaseee

  2. Makayla Mills on November 3, 2019 at 8:01 am


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