The GiGi’s Impact | GiGi’s Playhouse Mexico

We had a MAGICAL visit to Queretaro! It is overflowing with spirit and love.


John & Mary are amazing supporters of GiGi’s Playhouse Mexico and they recently just went for a visit. We are so proud of the much needed life changing work that is happening in Queretaro, Mexico and we could not be more thankful for the way John & Mary support this work.


“When you can go, I think your heart will be overcome to see the good you’ve begun there…!!!

This Playhouse is bursting  at the seams. There are 102 actively involved families and about 100 active volunteers. (Many of these volunteers rotate through every six months because of a government mandate of service for all graduating university students) So, they reach and change the hearts of almost 200 volunteers a year!  The volunteer coordinator is also a volunteer and, a tornado!!

The 7 tutoring rooms were full, at the same time as there were two back to back, separate sessions of physical therapy for a total of about 20 infants and a very full dance class. We also saw two separate groups of para Tae Kwon Do, the night before. There are also painting classes and cooking and even a class on preparing them to visit museums (which we didn’t see, BUT we saw some cool paintings!)

We like how hard they work to have take aways. In the physical therapy for babies, the therapist encourages the parents to use a phone to video what they can follow up on at home.

There are basically no other services in Mexico for those who can’t afford it. No safety nets however small.

They are doing this on $55,000USD a year. There are two local donors, us, the calendar, some doughnuts and a very small amount of money from the government.

Mexican philanthropy is about 1/40  what it is in the U.S. Imagine only 2% of the donor pool as at a U.S. Playhouse…This is a function of a very poor economy, violence, and a mistrust of all institutions including not for profits because of widespread corruption.

With a little more money they could do more awareness and add to the range and quality of services they provide.”


Thank you John and Mary for your dedication to GiGi’s Playhouse your generosity and thoughtfulness are a gift to us all.

Are you able to join with our Mexico family and help them continue to do amazing things! Programs, awareness, acceptance are all very needed for the Mexican Down syndrome community and we can do it! Together we are stronger!

Take action today! Visit GiGi’s Playhouse Mexico to donate.


GiGi's Playhouse



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  1. Richard Reilly on February 6, 2017 at 7:34 am

    Bien!, Bien!, Bien! John and Mary, Yes!, a magical visit. In part because your specific account allows us to be there with you. Queretaro, you are doing amazing deeds with little resources. We celebrate your success and hope and spirit. And we recognize the need. Dear Friends in the Playhouse community at large, each day we have the opportunity to make a difference. Work on tomorrow today. Click the Donate button Now! Con mucho gusto! Richardo Reilly – The Grandparent Connection.

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