I could have never imagined what a game changer GiGi’s would be | A sisters story

Hi, I am Sabrina and I’m lucky enough to be one of Chris’s older sisters, or as he calls me his medium sister, much to the Delight of our older sister who he calls his large sister, needless to say growing up with Chris was filled with Little Gems like that

I would like to tell you about what GiGi’s Playhouse, specifically GiGi U, has meant to me and our family… and I’m going to try really hard not to cry.

After High School, Chris went to work with our Dad at his small maintenance company doing general labor and assisting Dad with his maintenance duties at a property management company. He worked hard and did very well. He was happy, healthy, fed and he had a small purpose in the world, or so we thought.
Then in the summer of 2012, our Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. Coupled with the COPD he already had, this meant he would have to retire. And according to Chris, he would retire also… which was not happening!
With Down syndrome as most of you may know, in regards to certain skills like reading, writing, and math – if you don’t use them, you lose them. My sister Cyndi and I began to notice as Chris sat at home that he had started to backslide with these skills. We knew we had to find something for Chris to do, but what?? He had job skills but where do we start?

The options for adults with Down syndrome as far as programs go are pretty limited. So one day while looking for volunteer opportunities at GiGi’s Playhouse for my teenage niece, my sister stumbled upon the application for GiGi U. So we applied and Chris was accepted.

I could have never imagined what a game changer that would end up being! After just a few weeks at GiGi U we begin to see something blossom in Chris.

One day during our weekly trip to the grocery store, I was reading a nutrition facts label and Chris asked me if he could try. Before GiGi U, he would have never tried to read a label at home, let alone in a crowded grocery store with people watching. With tears in my eyes, I watched as he read the label of everything we put in the cart that day. It was the longest and greatest trip to the grocery store of my life!

Later that year at the National Down Syndrome Conference in Indiana, I cried tears of pride again, as I watched my brother speak with confidence and pride to complete strangers about where he works, Hugs + Mugs.

And today, I have tears of pride again as I see the confident man with Down syndrome that he has become, giving speeches and advocating for himself and others with Down syndrome… thanks to the literacy tutoring and speech therapy he has received at GiGi’s Playhouse.

It’s hard to put into words all the ways that GiGi’s Playhouse and GiGi U have changed not just Chris’s life, but our lives as a family. What I can say is that now he truly is happy, healthy, fed. He has friends, a voice, and he most definitely has a purpose in the world.

Thanks to all for your support of GiGi’s Playhouse and GiGi U. Whether small or big, it really does make a difference – thank you


Thank you, Sabrina, for sharing your story with us. Chris is a wonderful man and we are all blessed to have him and his example of hard work in our life!

If you are reading this and you have a story of how GiGi’s Playhouse has impacted your or a loved one’s life, we want to hear from you! Email us at info@gigisplayhouse.org.  If you are looking to get involved at GiGi’s Playhouse, we have a place for you! Families, volunteers donors all make this magic happen! With 37 and growing Playhouses Learn more HERE!


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  1. Laura Savant on June 27, 2018 at 11:04 am

    I have been to Hugs & Mugs and have met Chris. He and all the others are so proud of their place. He is wonderful and you have much to be proud of .

  2. Michelle on July 1, 2018 at 2:16 am

    I am the godmother to the same child he is a godfather to. Chris you are an amazing person and an inspiration to us all! Keep up the great work in your life. Love you.

  3. Shannon Kerin on September 17, 2018 at 3:35 pm

    Chris has left an impression on everyone who has a chance to work with him. He is truly an inspiration and employee #goals

    Love him! <3

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