Acceptance Matters: Statement on Tsukui Yamayuri-en Atrocity
Acceptance matters every day.
We condemn the senseless and vicious attacks on 19 defenseless individuals with disabilities this past Tuesday. The attack occurred at Tsukui Yamayuri-en, an assisted care facility outside of Tokyo Japan. Our hearts are broken.
Ignorance and darkness prayed on the innocent. The unassuming. The suspect revealed to police that “it is better that disabled people disappear.” Local media report nine men and 10 women murdered, aged 19-70. 25 others seriously injured. The worst mass killing in postwar Japan, has this attack been mentioned by any prominent political candidate or party since the atrocity occurred? Will individuals with different abilities be marginalized again?
We share our deepest condolences with affected families and caregivers. GiGi’s Playhouse condemns ALL acts of viciousness against the unprotected and the unsuspecting. Japan. Nice. Orlando. San Bernardino. Dallas. Newtown. Hatred and darkness know no borders, colors, sexual orientations or diagnoses. In darkest of times we remind ourselves that the bright light of love, acceptance and kindness travels freely through our hearts, our minds, and our planet. GiGi’s Playhouse pleads for peace and safety. Most importantly GiGi’s Playhouse plead for acceptance. All people. All abilities. Love is love. We stand with Japan and Tsukui Yamayuri-en. Today. Every day.
Generation G. A conscious decision to be better every day. With Generation G: differences are not weaknesses. Acceptance comes first, last and always. Heroes challenge the status quo. Together we overcome challenges through action and determination. Together we defy odds and fight for lasting acceptance. Join Generation G.
“Differences do not discriminate. Rich or poor. Low risk. Not those kind of people. Differences are the ultimate leveler and often seconds away. When you experience that difference in the life of someone you love, life changes drastically and you yearn for a genuinely accepting world.” – Nancy Gianni
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