Two Life Changing Words | Down syndrome
Down syndrome. Two life-changing words. Two mysterious words that can bring on a myriad of emotions.
On August 19, 2004, Nathan Mark Hornbuckle came into this world. A quiet, beautiful soul with a deep almond-eyed gaze that melted hearts around him. Little did we know the impact he was here to make.
When Nathan’s diagnosis was delivered those two words came as a shock, but through the tears, I looked into those beautiful eyes and promised him that I would always keep him safe and provide him with all he needed for a happy life. Little did I know that he was the one to provide us with exactly what we needed.
With the support of a small local Down syndrome family group and an amazing physician who told us to raise Nathan just as we had his two older brothers and believe that Nathan could achieve anything, we did just that…believe.
One of the most beautiful blessings of Down syndrome for me was observing Nathan’s methodical learning and development. Each movement, each word was a blessing that many of us take for granted. Nathan adored his two big brothers and his drive to keep up with them was his best therapy. As Nathan learned to roll over, sit up, stand and then walk we celebrated with amazement at how much he was able to achieve in so little time. And even better, he did all of this with a million dollar smile.
On March 12, 2006, just shy of 19 months old, Nathan suffered a massive stroke resulting in severe brain injury. Our beautiful, vibrant boy was in a coma with many unknowns and a long list of new diagnoses with Down syndrome being at the bottom of that list and rarely mentioned…oh how I missed those two words.
Over the next 16 ½ months, Nathan demonstrated unmeasurable strength and perseverance. Once again, we watched in amazement as Nathan relearned how to eat, sit, talk, but most importantly – smile! Yes, he became tired and frustrated, but never gave up and continued to accomplish skills that the textbooks stated should not be possible.
Unfortunately, the battles within our beautiful boy’s body were more than even our little superhero could fight. Nathan left this world on August 1, 2007, just 18 days shy of his 3rd birthday. Even in his last moments he was learning, laughing and teaching us about the truly important things in life.
Living just 2 ½ hours away from the Chicagoland area and having many friends living there, I first learned about a great new resource – GiGi’s Playhouse – shortly after Nathan’s birth in 2004. I followed the stories hoping that one day they would open one in our Quad Cities community. In July 2005, at the national Down syndrome conference in Chicago, I stumbled across a table with a balloon, a few brochures and a piece of paper to sign up to join the GiGi’s Playhouse mailing list. Just three months later – with Nathan’s inspiration – our Down syndrome family group held its first Buddy Walk with over 900 participants; this event is now in its 14th year and has grown into the GiGi’s Playhouse Quad Cities Super Hero 5K, 1 Mile Inspirational Walk and Dash for Down Syndrome. As this walk grew and the needs in our community became apparent, GiGi’s Playhouse was always in the back of our minds and on October 1, 2011, GiGi’s Playhouse Quad Cities was born.
Although Nathan is no longer physically with us, his spirit is very much alive and his ripple continues.
Nathan’s strong, brave, ever giving mom continues to this day believing in all individuals with Down syndrome. She works tirelessly within her community and with the entire GiGi’s Playhouse network, empowering staff and volunteers to share the mission and to change the way the world views Down syndrome. Every day she lives out Nathans legacy in the most beautiful ways, and all of us who know and love her are better because of it. Michelle, a shining example of what it means to be Generation G.
Thank you Nathan …. continue Michelle !
What a beautiful boy. Michelle, you’re amazing!
Common to many living with Down syndrome is the drive to accomplish. Nathan’s attitude to “never give up!” is an integral part of the formula. Another factor for success is Advocacy. Michelle, your sons’ life, through your actions, has inspired and galvanized others to run forward and embrace making a difference. Thank you for sharing your smile. Big Love! Richard.