Cody and Amy Jackson: History of Cody’s Dash

Shortly after Cody’s birth, approximately July 2011, Amy Jackson’s dear friends Andrea Johnston and Liz Meyer came to her and expressed their desire to do something for Cody and the Down syndrome community. They had in mind a 5K/Family Fun event. They started meeting to discuss the beginning stages of planning such an event (with zero experience) and what to do with the funds raised. Around the same time, Amy had been doing some online research and came across GiGi’s Playhouse. She immediately fell in love with the mission and the organization itself. She began the initial steps of contacting the offices in Chicago to see how to get started with a Playhouse here in the Twin Cities. It made perfect sense then to have “Cody’s Dash” as a fundraiser to help start our Twin Cities Playhouse. The first Cody’s Dash raised $40,000 and helped immensely with these fundraising efforts so that we could open our GiGi’s Playhouse – Twin Cities in February 2013. Please join us on June 29th for our 8th Annual Cody’s Dash!

Join/Start a Team or Register as an Individual, Volunteer, Or Sponsor and all the details of the day’s events can be found: here

                                                  Amy and Cody Jackson

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