Alex – Best of All
Alex participating in National Virtual Tutoring. Alex participating in local virtual GiGi's Playhouse Twin Cities programming, including Drama Troupe. Alex is a friendly, outgoing, humorous, and a very positive child that is part of our GiGi’s Playhouse Twin Cities community, returning to the Twin Cities following their missionary experience in...

Lillian – Volunteer Spotlight
Lillian is one of our phenomenal volunteers that has been helping us out since 2018! She has helped us out as a consistent volunteer assistant pre-pandemic with Fantastic Friends, Teen Tastic, Holiday Parties, Dances, and Special Olympics Young Athletes Program. Since the pandemic Lillian jumped in as a volunteer assistant...

Baur – Best of All
Baur learning to cook at GiGi's Kitchen's with his family. Baur with his parents, Chris and Jonathan. Baur is a friendly, thoughtful, helpful, kind, curious, and positive child that is part of our GiGi’s Playhouse Twin Cities community. Baur first got involved with us back when we first opened in...

Concordia Students: Aisha, Anna, Jordyn, Lauren, Taylor – Volunteer Spotlights
A Recent Leaps and Bounds! Mentors to Concordia Students We are so honored to have our phenomenal Concordia students: Aisha, Anna, Jordyn, Lauren, and Taylor be an important part of our GiGi’s Playhouse Twin Cities community. These Doctoral students are pursuing a DPT or Doctor of Physical Therapy...

Abdifatah – Best of All
Abdifatah dancing at our photo shoot (top) and dancing at class (bottom). Abdifatah is a kind, thoughtful, outgoing, and positive person. Abdifatah first got involved with us for virtual local GiGi’s programming for teens this past December 2020. From the moment he got involved, he has been very active in...

Kay – Volunteer Spotlight
Kay - Board Certified Music Therapist In-Person GiGi's Music - St. Louis Park Twin Cities Virtual GiGi's Music Program - serving St. Louis Park, South Metro, Hudson and through out Minnesota and Wisconsin We are so very lucky to have the great leadership of Kay, an experienced Board-Certified Music Therapist,...

Henry – Best of All
Henry Henry preparing dinner during Twin Cities Virtual GiGi's Kitchen Kids and Teens in 2021. Henry's dinner he created at Twin Cities Virtual GiGi's Kitchen Kids and Teens that he served his family in 2021. Henry working out during Twin Cities Virtual GiGiFIT Teens in 2021. Henry at Twin Cities...

Kiara – Volunteer Spotlight
Kiara David and Kiara Delilah and Freya Kiara is an inspiring volunteer who has led fiercely for many years as Gala Committee Chair. She has led the way through hundreds of volunteer hours over the years to make this event possible and successful for us. Kiara’s strengths are being well-organized,...

Zahur – Best of All
Zahur - 12 years old Zahur and her mom, Habibo Zahur at in-person dance class Zahur is an enthusiastic, positive, outgoing, and energetic person. She has a great curiosity and really enjoys people. Zahur got involved with GiGi’s programming a few years ago. From the moment she got involved, she...

Dr. Julie – Volunteer Sportlight
Dr. Julie is a very experienced educator who is thoughtful, hard-working, compassionate, patient, and organized. These traits are the very reason she's constantly making a huge impact in so many ways at GiGi’s Playhouse Twin Cities for many years, including right now through this time of the pandemic. Dr. Julie...

Ian – Best of All
Ian performing in "Annie" for Drama Troupe for Adults this fall. Ian, one of our adult self-advocates, has been involved with GiGi’s Twin Cities Programming for almost four years. Ian is thoughtful, loves to rock out as well as dressing up as rockers, enjoys drawing, and is a very friendly...

Caroline – Volunteer Spotlight
Caroline Everyone Can Dance - In Person Programming led by Caroline Caroline has been an amazing volunteer involved with the GiGi’s Playhouse Community for many years. Caroline is thoughtful, generous, positive, engaging with everyone, creative, and energetic. When she lived in Illinois, she created and led the GiGi’s Dance program....