Baur – Best of All

Baur learning to cook at GiGi’s Kitchen’s with his family.

Baur with his parents, Chris and Jonathan.

Baur is a friendly, thoughtful, helpful, kind, curious, and positive child that is part of our GiGi’s Playhouse Twin Cities community. Baur first got involved with us back when we first opened in February 2013. From the moment Baur and his family got involved, they have been very active in GiGi’s programming! Baur has been actively involved in our in-person programming, such as Special Olympics Young Athletes and GiGi’s Kitchen. He also has been an athlete with Special Olympics Team G for many years. Since we went virtual in March of 2020, Baur has participated in local programming such as: Story Telling – PJ’s and Books, Kids Club, Dance, and GiGi’s Kitchen. GiGi’s Kitchen in-person and virtually has been Baur’s absolute favorite program to participate in as he LOVES to cook. Each month, following a virtual GiGi’s Kitchen, Baur and his entire family gather to enjoy yet another delicious dinner that they all cooked together.

We are honored to have Baur and his amazing family, including his parents Chris and Jonathan, be part of our GiGi’s Playhouse Twin Cities community. Thank you all for taking full advantage of all the FREE, progressive, educational, and therapeutic programming opportunities available through GiGi’s all these years. We look forward to continuing to see your family in the future.

Join us for our June 5th GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge, 10 Years of Dashing with Cody! Create your own team and register: HERE

Interested in watching the video from our Virtual Gala “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” this year on February 20th? Watch: HERE

Are you interested in volunteering virtually at GiGi’s Playhouse Twin Cities?

The first step is to sign up: HERE

Are you interested in getting a family member involved with our GiGi’s Playhouse Twin Cities Programming?

The first step is to sign up for our Local newsletter: HERE

Then, check out our Local calendar: HERE 

Details and more information about our Local programs can be    found: HERE

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