St. Annes last day of school performance!

Wow!!  They started with the Pledge of Allegiance and went on to sing at least 12 songs!!  Talk about cool!  She was amazing!  This was the same class that had some parents questioning if GiGi “belonged” in their school.  So it was great to see her do so much better than some of the other kids!  When that happened I was hurt beyond words.  In fact, the very next day is when I committed myself to the national “i have a voice” traveling gallery project.  Though I knew I couldn’t (shouldn’t) take on such a huge project these parents left me no choice.  I can only hope and pray for their “perfect” children.

Some of GiGi’s facial expressions and dancing had me cracking up!  My favorite part was during the Pledge of Allegiance when she said “and to the repubic, for which I stand, one-ation, under dog, individible, wit liberty and just for all.”  “under dog”???  Is that show still on???  
It was a proud and weird day.  Knowing people teach their kids to judge others just freaks me out!  OK, I am over it.  (I am sooooo not!)   


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