NEW! Spanish Programs for GiGi’s At Home

Spanish GiGi's At Home Programming

Spanish Programs now available for GiGi’s At Home!

At GiGi’s Playhouse, we see potential, ability, and possibility. So, when COVID-19 hit, strategies were sought and adjustments were quickly made to continue serving our participants virtually. We are happy to share that we recently launched GiGi’s At Home on demand programming in Spanish. The educational programs are geared towards helping individuals with Down syndrome of all ages learn Math, Literacy, Language, Social Skills, and Cooking.

GiGi's At Home Spanish Progamming

View the GiGi’s At Home On Demand español program videos here.


Thank you to GiGi’s Playhouse México for providing these great resources that help us serve communities in both Mexico, the US and beyond!


It’s great to see how Adriana Guadalupe Pérez Hernández, a 6 year old participant in the literacy and mathematics educational programs at GiGi’s Playhouse México, is utilizing GiGi’s At Home Programming. Her financial condition does not allow her to access virtual classes (live), since she does not have the technological tools to participate in tutoring.

Short educational videos are sent to her weekly (on demand), which are uploaded to social networks so she can continue learning at home. These tools help her to keep moving forward and give her best of all. She sends photos of her completed assignments to the educational program coordinator weekly.

GiGi's At Home

We are proud to see the effort that Adriana and her family make to continue moving forward and helping the community in different ways. It shows that when you want to achieve something, THERE ARE NO LIMITS!

Congratulations Adriana! 

En GiGi´s Playhouse nosotros vemos el potencial, la habilidad y la posibilidad. Debido a la situación que se vive actualmente por el COVID-19 se buscaron estrategias y se realizaron ajustes para seguir atendiendo a nuestros participantes de forma virtual.

Estamos felices de compartirles que ya tenemos en nuestra página web “GiGi´s At Home” (GiGi´s en tu casa), te compartimos varias ideas de cómo trabajar en este período con tu hijo. Matemáticas, Lectura, Lenguaje, Habilidades Sociales, y Cocina.

Mira los videos aquí.

La participante Adriana Guadalupe Pérez Hernández de 6 años, es participante de los programas educacionales de lectura y matemáticas en GiGi’s Playhouse México. En el caso de Adriana, su condición económica no le permite acceder a clases virtuales (alive), ya que no cuenta con las herramientas tecnológicas para participar en tutoría.

Semanalmente se les mandan pequeños videos (on demand), los cuales subimos a redes sociales para que pudiera continuar el trabajo en casa dándole herramientas para seguir avanzando y dando lo mejor de sí. Ella semanalmente manda a la coordinadora de programas educacionales sus fotos y evidencias.

Nos llena de orgullo ver el esfuerzo que hace su familia y Adriana por seguir avanzando y poder seguir ayudando de diferentes maneras a nuestra comunidad, una vez más mostrando que cuando se quiere, ¡NO EXISTEN LIMITES!

¡Felicidades, Adriana! ¡Gracias a GiGi’s Playhouse México por proporcionar estos excelentes recursos!

Vuelve a menudo, agregaremos más materiales.

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