School starts!!! Kindergarten!!!

OK… Seriously! She is constantly messing with me!!! I tell her to get dressed for her first day of school and she comes down in her t-ball uniform! It was complete with her crocs (on the wrong feet) and her purse! Obviously she changed to pose with Daddy!
We have had no structure at all this summer so the poor girl is being thrown to the wolves! I was a little afraid when they blew the whistle and told the kids that meant they needed to stop playing on the playground and line up. She was like “uh, don’t think so! This stuff is cool!!” Reluctantly she got in line and started her first day in kindergarten!! She is at our public school with all the neighborhood kids! The next day I followed the bus to school again and watched from a far to see what she would do when the whistle blew. She was walking hand in hand with a friend from the other class(a boy!!) when it blew and they both looked at each other, let go of each others hands, hugged and went to their separate lines!!! Too cool!!!!!!!!

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