Meeting Nancy! | Chief Belief Officer & GiGi’s Mom
Hello friends,
My name is Nancy Gianni and welcome to my blog! OK I know I started a blog back in 2008 but this time I am sticking to it! I have no choice! It’s my own fault, I built this amazing organization with the help of hundreds of thousand AMAZING volunteers and now the world wants to know our story.
OUR story is one of empowerment, determination, and motivation which I have detailed in my new inspirational memoir, #GenerationG.
What’s my personal story? I am a mother of four amazing kids Franco, Romi, Bella, and GiGi. I am a new author, a wife and a friend who loves to have fun! I am also the Founder and Chief Belief Officer of the highly acclaimed GiGi’s Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Centers. We now have 37 GiGi’s Playhouse locations across the United States and Mexico and offer FREE therapeutic and educational programming for individuals with DS, their families, and the community! We are not stopping there! We are opening 14 more in the next year and have over 200 inquiries to open more worldwide, utilizing our replicable GiGi’s model.
How did I achieve all of this? By looking for miracles, believing and focusing my energy toward the pursuit of my goals. I learned that you can achieve everything you put your mind to if you put in the work and effort and if you believe! Sharing my story in a book was very awkward to me. It made me very uncomfortable. I mean who am I to write a book? Then I realized this book was not about me. It was about all the amazing people opening GiGi’s Playhouse’s in their communities and changing perceptions. Together we truly can change the way the world sees Down syndrome!!
Even though my title has letters in it now, and I’m in charge of this multimillion-dollar international nonprofit organization, I still introduce myself as GiGi’s mom because, at the end of the day, that is my most important job.
I realize that everything that has happened in my life—each success, failure, or diagnosis—brought me to where I am today. When you’re in the middle of something, it’s easy to think that you’ll never get through it, but if I have learned anything, it’s that you will get through it. Even more important than that, when you get through something, you grow and you learn and you become a stronger and better person because of it. Everything in my life has happened so that I could prepare for this so that I could help and serve others.
I had no idea my daughter’s own journey with Down syndrome would lead me toward taking a role as an entrepreneur and businesswoman. Throughout my book, you can read about all the miracles, hope, determination and inspiration it took to make GiGi’s Playhouse accessible to all which started with my decision to demand change and begin taking action.
By sharing my journey, my hope is that others will find the motivation to tap into their inner strength and help others rise above negativity, misconceptions, and doubt so they can live a life of love, empowerment, and acceptance.
I’m excited to share these experiences with you and hope you will check out my book, #GenerationG, so you too can follow your inner superwoman and be reminded that it is possible to make a conscious decision to be better every!
All profits from the sale of this book will go towards GiGi’s Playhouse and further our mission of global acceptance for all through #Generation
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Nancy- you inspire me with your incredible energy and remendous focus! So blessed to know you and be witness to your journey.
Love you and all you do for our kiddos!! May God continue to guide you, and bless Gigi’s Playhouse, and all of the families inspired by your dream and mission!