New Families
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Welcome to the family! Click here to learn more how GiGi's can help.
Why GiGi's Exists?
GiGi’s Playhouse was created to change the way the world views a Down syndrome diagnosis and send a global message of acceptance for all.
Here to Help
Down syndrome is the largest chromosomal disability and yet, it is the least funded. From a prenatal diagnosis to career skills, we make a lifetime commitment to remain by their side.
#GenerationG is a worldwide movement that goes beyond Down syndrome and sends a global message of acceptance for ALL!
Take the Pledge
Become a member of the #GenerationG Community, an army of change-makers set on making the world a kinder, better place for all people!

Who is GiGi's Playhouse?
With over 57+ brick-and-mortar locations across the United States and Mexico, GiGi’s Playhouse is the ONLY network of Down Syndrome Achievement Centers.
Every day, we provide FREE, life-changing therapeutic, educational, and career training programs for 30,000+ individuals of all ages. From prenatal diagnosis to career skills, we make a lifetime commitment to our families.
Upcoming Events

MYTHBUSTING: Can People with Down syndrome drink alcohol?
(“Myth-busting” is a new multi-part blog series where we tackle all things Down syndrome: misconceptions, half-truths, and fabrications. We’re setting the record straight, once and for all.) Can People with Down syndrome drink alcohol? Age is a tricky thing. Sure, in polite society, it’s often considered rude to ask someone’s age, but that’s not the…
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