Ending Summer with a Bang: Baseball, Lemonade and the Sunshine State!
Summer is winding down and GiGi and I have had very little time to catch our breath over the last few months. We packed thousands of miles and countless accomplishments into a very short summer-and we are not done yet! In fact, tomorrow we leave for Tampa Florida for the opening of their Playhouse! That will be #38 in the GiGi’s family. I remember when I started the first Playhouse, my husband, Paul said ” if we commit to this then we cannot have any more kids.” It was a big decision but I decided the Playhouse would be my fifth child, little did I know I would soon have 37 more to follow!
As soon as we return from Tampa, GiGi starts school as a sophomore the next day! That’s how we roll and GiGi is keeping up with all of it! I am so proud of the little entrepreneur she has become. Nothing makes me happier than our trips together. We have our rituals when we fly but my favorite is the road trips!! There we are on our own schedule and can really jam out and sing in the car!! It usually starts with the song “Watching You” by Rodney Atkins. It is my reminder that my kids beautiful eyes are on me watching everything I do, both good and bad!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gbiYC_QZ2o&w=560&h=315]
“‘Cause I’ve been watching you, dad, ain’t that cool? I’m your buckaroo, I wanna be like you, and eat all my food, and grow as tall as you are Then I’ll be as strong as Superman. We’ll be just alike, hey, won’t we, dad? When I can do everything you do ‘Cause I’ve been watching you.”
Last week GiGi and I were jamming out to “Watching You” in the GiGi’s Jeep for some local road trips! Just saying the “GiGi’s Jeep” reminds me of family! The Wickstrom family wrapped a Jeep for us to spread our message of acceptance and love! I love that our GiGi’s family is not just about our playhouses but the people and businesses who love us! With gratitude, GiGi and I were spreading that love as we made a surprise GiGi’s Jeep visit to a bunch of kids having a lemonade stand to benefit GiGi’s Playhouse in honor of their little brother Harrison! #GenerationG in action baby! And it was HOT!!!!
The little siblings and their friends raised $271.00 in honor of Harrison and presented it at the GiGi’s Back to School Bash at the Hoffman Estates location! Harrison rang the bell to honor the donation!
GiGi’s “Runs for Ted” Family Visits Wrigley Field
On Tuesday, GiGi and I hopped into the GiGi’s Jeep and headed to the Chicago Playhouse for Open Play and to welcome the “Runs for Ted”family to the Windy City as they continued their cross-country road trip to all 30 major league baseball stadiums in three months to raise acceptance for Down syndrome.
“Runs for Ted” goal is to introduce people to a sweet and adorable two-year-old boy named Ted, born with Down syndrome. “Runs for Ted” is advocating for Ted and all his friends with Down syndrome in hopes of raising $50,000 to support GiGi’s Playhouse Phoenix and all the FREE therapeutic, educational, and career development programs that are being offered.
Playhouse #38!!! Tampa, Here We Come!
Our week wouldn’t be complete without a cross-country road trip! We will end our summer break with the Grand Opening of GiGi’s Tampa on August 18th!! The Tampa team has been working hard for this day. We can’t wait to bring more GiGi’s sunshine to the Sunshine State! One boy’s mom expressed her anticipation…
“Knowing that while at GiGi’s Playhouse Tampa, Chase will make great friends, excel and build skills to better him throughout his life, is an exciting and rewarding experience any mother could wish for their child. There’s really no better place I could ask to have my son a part of.”
We are so excited for the Tampa community and all the impact the opening of Playhouse Number 38 will have! And as soon as the celebration is over, that alarm clock will ring and school will start! Just another day for GiGi Gianni!
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