Best of All in Action.

Best of All – It is a daily challenge to do a little  better than you did the day before and it is always celebrated!

We live and breath the Best of All attitude at GiGi’s Playhouse. It is encouraged in all of our Purposeful Progressive Programing,  when we see our friends giving their all to be better each day, we have no choice but to celebrate them! Today we welcome Cristian’s mom, Vivian, to share a Best of All moment she shared with her amazing son.


“I Picked up Cristian after school and we have this conversation. He is in play in which he is going to perform in March and they have practice every Tuesday. He has a few lines much different from last year when they just performed songs and there is a lot of movement.
Me: We have to start practicing your lines every day because you don’t have practice again until Jan. 10th
Cristian: okay mom
Cristian: mom?
Me: yes
Cristian: umm, my head…stage
Me: what???
Cristian: my head brain
Me: I am not understanding
Cristian: my brain in head
Me: Cristian what are you trying to tell me. Is it about the play?
Cristian: yes
He takes a breath thinks about it and says
Cristian: my brain freeze…stage (and now he looks frustrated)
Me: Are you upset because you can’t remember your lines??
Cristian: yes
Me: Do you want to do the play and have lines?
Cristian: yes
Me: then we will practice every day until you get them down. When you go back to rehearsals you will have it down. You’ve got this!!
Cristian: okay mom, I’ll do it
He seemed satisfied with my solution. Self awareness, pushing past your fears and giving it all you got. He is not a strong reader so he wants to memorize them. He’s almost there. NONE of this comes easy for him but he also knows or rather we have always taught him there are no limits. I have to say I was a little emotional especially because he was able, to communicate his feelings. I am in awe of him and forgive him for changing my ringtone to farting noises without my knowledge. That was quite an unwelcomed surprise although dad thought it was hilarious.”

Best of All, GiGi's Playhouse

First of, can we all just admit that we are going to find someones phone and change the ring tone now? That is just funny, well played Cristian.

We can not wait to hear (and see, mom you better have pictures for us all) how amazing you are in your school play! Keep working hard and never giving up! We are so very proud of you!


Do you have a Best of All moment to share? Please share today, we love celebrating! 

GiGi's Playhouse


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  1. Tony Piontek on February 6, 2017 at 1:49 pm

    Oh boy! WOW

    What such wonderful newsI heard and saw about you,Mrs.Nancy.

    I just went to th latest news about you being on the Steve
    Harvey’s LIVE Show., What would it take to also have a Man
    of the Year any where in the U.S. What do you think? I too
    wanted to bring up .The same Introduction we made together
    can we share within the Gigi’s Playhouse programs.

    How’s the Rhinestone&Rodeo 6th Annual f.b. introduction we
    did together. How many likes did we get so far? Is it now
    pasted 400 + ?

    Also look at your emails as well.

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