Believing they CAN!!
I’d like to introduce you to a few of our interns at Hugs + Mugs, Matt, Chris, Patrick and Nicole. Nicole is a mentor and from the 1st class of GiGi U and the boys are all interns from the 2nd class, they graduated in May. They were so very busy this week getting everything ready for our Annual Golf Outing.
They are by far some of the most dedicated employees I have ever had the pleasure of working with. They have been applying everything they’ve learned in GiGi U to their internships at Hugs + Mugs. I’m fortunate to be able to see all of my interns grow from shy students on their first day of class at GiGi U to their internship with me. We have had students that wouldn’t make eye contact, write their name and avoided talking to most people – but as they grow in our program – they have begun to talk, write and even create beautiful designs for our mugs. Their confidence reaches levels that their parents didn’t think was possible.
I hear from parents all the time about how they are amazed with the change in their child – I’ve had a parent tell me their daughter wakes up each morning and asks “Can I work today”.? A few of our interns who were once only comfortable staying at home watching TV or playing games will now request more hours at the cafe!
Please stop by Hugs + Mugs and see for yourself – All of our interns are anxiously awaiting your visit – they would like to take you on a tour of our facility, teach you how to create an awesome mug or water bottle, and offer you a V-21Vitamin Cookie and chat about the weather.
A truly AMAZING group of young adults!
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