The Home Stretch | GiGi’s Playhouse 5k, Walk 7 Dash for Down Syndrome
Today we welcome our National Director of Marketing & Communications, Marc Portugal, to the #gigisblog for a little Monday Motivation!
I met my friend GiGi Gianni in 2013 at the original Playhouse, inspired by her birth. When she chose to pay attention to me…GiGi was always smart and funny. “Shy” is not in GiGi’s wheel house. Like many kids GiGi knew exactly what she wanted, and still does to this day. Like many kids GiGi made friends, often with other Playhouse families.
Unlike other kids…GiGi has Down syndrome, still does to this day, and always will for the rest of her life.
These past four years I’ve watched with amazement, admiration and pride as GiGi makes consistent progress in all aspects of her life. Nothing stops GiGi from pursuing her preferred outcomes. After spending time with her friend and tutor Kim B, GiGi’s reading skills skyrocketed. Dedicating time with her friend and therapist Sarah B, her speech comes across with crisp clarity and purpose. Playhouse programs enable consistent progress and unleash the potential within each child and young adult.
Today GiGi is a middle school graduate and cheerleader. She sings the national anthem at major sporting events. She populates her own social media profiles. She dances through recitals and life in general with a natural confidence and courage I wish I had in myself; the same confidence and courage we all hope to see in our own kids and family members.
Would you consider helping GiGi and her friends? Real people overcoming very real challenges every day.
They cannot choose to dispel their low muscle tone. They cannot allow exclusion or bullying to define their choices or their value in our world. No one should have to fight for basic acceptance.
On Sunday June 11th GiGi and her friends, along with 1500+ Playhouse family members, will run in the annual 5K race, walk and Dash for Down syndrome. The first goal of this event is to show society what GiGi and her friends can achieve.
The other goal is to raise vital money to fund programs like literacy tutoring and speech therapy so GiGi and her friends continue to grow and succeed. Programs are never free for our nonprofit business. They cost a significant amount of money to design, deliver, measure and refine. Yet they are ALWAYS free to our families. This is our gift to their children, and our path to creating lasting change.
Our home stretch goal is to secure 100 gifts by 3PM on June 9.
Gifts to GiGi’s Playhouse help in various ways. For example, one gift will ensure that a young adult can complete their internship in Hugs & Mugs. Another gift will ensure that a Playhouse participant of any age can complete an entire session of speech and language therapy. All gifts matter equally just like our children.
To make a donation in support of GiGi and her heroic friends please click here.
No matter what, our commitments must be relentless. The challenges GiGi and her friends face will never disappear. Our commitments will change perceptions and the way society treats our most vulnerable children. Each gift and each action is movement toward the finish line. Your support transforms perceived underdogs into champions.
This is GiGi’s time to continue rising and achieving. You can see this in the video below, created by her sister Bella. This is also her friends’ time to grow and be accepted in their communities. There is NO MORE URGENT NEED than the wellness, safety and acceptance of our children.
Thank you for your trust, goodness, belief, and generosity.
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