321 Days of Acceptance | We are Generation G

March 21st is recognized each year as World Down Syndrome Day. The date (3:21) represents the third copy of the 21st chromosome. On this day, communities all over the world celebrate how we are working together to expand awareness and acceptance for people with Down syndrome. We are Generation G.



In four days Generation G launches 321 Days of Acceptance!

On March 21, 2017 GiGi’s Playhouse will embark on a new social media awareness and engagement campaign to increase acceptance for individuals with Down syndrome, their families and their communities around the country.


GiGi's Playhouse

Every day for 321 days we will be sharing a picture and story from an amazing person in the GiGi’s Playhouse family. Our entire network has come together to share people they are proud of and we cannot wait to share them with you!


Goal: Increase acceptance and appreciation of individuals with Down syndrome & all they add to our communities.


Can you help us?

Each morning visit GiGi’s Playhouse on Facebook and leave some love for our featured friend. Share the daily post with your friends and show you want to live in a world that accepts all people!

We are also celebrating the one year anniversary of Generation G!

What is Generation G? –
Generation G believes that differences are not weakness.
Generation G unites people who are generous and accepting.
Generation G places acceptance first, last and always.
Generation G is heroic, challenging the status quo.
Generation G overcomes challenges with action.
Generation G is always accountable to one another.

We are asking friends to draw a heart on their hand and post to social media, then tag 21 of your friends to do the same. Lets fill social media with acceptance! Please tag your posts #generationG & #gigisplayhouse so we can be sure to find you.




Together we can make a difference! Be sure to check out you local GiGi’s Playhouse and join in the local celebrations!


GiGi's Playhouse


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