321 Days of Acceptance | Week 5

Welcome to week five of 321 Days of Acceptance from Generation G! Generation G is a conscious decision to be better every day. Acceptance is a fundamental dignity for all people, regardless of ability. Acceptance is more than an act of charity, it is truly generosity “in action”.

acceptance is the very heart and the very best of humanity. without daily actions to create lasting acceptance, opportunities for present and future generations will falter.

In sharing a story and image each day it is our hope to flood social media with the truth about how normal Down syndrome is and how extraordinary people with Down syndrome are!  You are helping the mission of Generation G & acceptance by simply sharing these posts (Found each morning on our Facebook page) with your friends on social media! Thank you. We are stronger together.

Here is who inspired us and made us smile in week 5……

GiGi's Playhouse Day 28, Meet John from GiGi’s Playhouse – New York
John is 15 years old and enjoys participating in the TeenTastic Program at GiGi’s Playhouse!
The Teen Tastic program focuses on building social skills with friends with or without Down syndrome by participating in team-based activities in a casual and fun setting. Skill development includes understanding compromise, turn-taking, and problem solving abilities. Our Teen Tastic program is recommended for ages 13-18 years old.

 Day 29,  Today we meet Alexis from GiGi’s Playhouse – Chicago – Alexis is 1 year old (2 in June). Alexis became a part of the GiGi’s family before she was even born. Her parents reached out to GiGi’s when they received the pre-natal diagnosis of Down syndrome. “Once Alex was born, I will never forget the swarm at the door to meet her – we all saw the stroller and jumped up!” Says Amy Archer, GiGi’s Playhouse Chicago’s amazing Site Director. Alex is a regular at Busy Bodies. She also took part in a special infant massage class that was offered and both her pediatrician and parents say it helped her thrive (she struggled with feeding early on but it was short lived). Alex loves books! She also loves to demonstrate her knowledge of animal sounds and will gladly tell you!

GiGi's Playhouse Day 30, Meet Logan from GiGi’s Playhouse Layton! Logan is 27 years old and when we met him he was non-verbal and very quiet. He comes alive at GiGi’s and is at almost every program that he can be. He is one of our first GiGi Prep students and his smile says it all! You can learn a little more about Logan on the #gigisblog HERE. Logan we are so glad you are a part of GiGi’s Playhouse and that you continue to give your #bestofall!

GiGi's Playhouse Day 31, Today we meet the handsome Louie one of the kindest people you will ever meet!
Louie has recently been taking on some new tasks at the Cafe and has given his #bestofall and surprised everyone with his math knowledge and ability to handle the cash register! Go Louie Go!! We are so very proud of you!

Day 32 Prepare to be smitten.
Meet Pierce from GiGi’s Playhouse Des Moines. Pierce is 4.5 months old and his favorite GiGi’s Playhouse program is 2 & Under. He loves watching all of the other kids play and learning from them.  “We are so lucky to have GiGi’s in our community and as parents, we are so excited to be able to get him involved in more programs as he gets older.” Amber Robinson (Pierce’s proud mama)
GiGi’s Playhouse makes a lifetime commitment to families. No one is ever to young or old to come and give their #bestofall!

Day 33, Sarah from GiGi’s Playhouse-Syracuse is becoming known for her  #jokesbySarah She always comes ready to share a new one and then wants to be sure it makes it to #facebook so everyone can get a chuckle.

A year ago Sarah was not sure she could join several of her peers in being a public speaker. Sarah felt a little self consious about her stutter, BUT she decided that was not a good enough reason to give up. Sarah worked hard, with her family and with her friends at GiGi’s Playhouse and on April 8th she was one of the speakers at the Syracuse ‘i have a Voice” gala! She did amazing! Now Sarah wants to use her voice more and more to let her community and the world know that being a young woman with Down syndrome is just fine and she has a lot to offer!

GiGi's Playhouse Day 34, Today we get to meet sweet Luke! Luke is almost 3 years old and his favorite Purposeful Program at GiGi’s Playhouse – Nashville is Music Class with Ms. Maddie! He loves to sing and dance with his friends. (We bet a lot of us could say that!)

now we are off to an amazing week 6! join us each day on facebook, twitter & instagram and share generation g!

 have you visited a gigi’s playhouse yet? we would love of you to join the gigi’s family and our no cost purposeful & progressive programing! you can find your location here!

The 321 Days of Acceptance campaign is a vital investment in advancing Generation G and our vision for global acceptance! Every day our social media fans will see a new story and a new face to introduce to the world. This campaign will help show the world how amazing our kids and adults truly are.

Down syndrome does not “discriminate”, and neither will the 321 Days of Acceptance Campaign. Pictures will represent all ages, genders and ethnicity. Pictures will include individuals with Down syndrome, alone and with parents, siblings, tutors, best friends and more.

If you would like to see your loved one included in please contact Heather at hrodriguez@gigisplayhouse.org.

We strongly encourage you to share the featured participant of the day on your own social media pages. Let’s unite our voices to show the world the reach, power and achievement of the GiGi’s Playhouse Family! We are Bigger, Better, Stronger…..TOGETHER.

GiGi's Playhouse


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