Is this 2018? | From the desk of Nancy Gianni
GiGi’s video has been viewed over 73,000 times! Please keep sharing!
We Need Your Voice!
Comedian Tom Segura has sparked outrage this week for his blatant, continual use of the R-word in his recent Netflix special. His suggestion that if people don’t like it then it should be replaced with the term “21st chromosome,” directly mocks people with Down syndrome!
As a result, intense and hate-filled online bullying from his followers is now being directed at parents and anyone who dare speak out and advocate for their children and loved ones living with Down syndrome. This sparked an outcry for Netflix to cancel the special that they host on their platform.
Recent news has shown we are a community at large that speaks up for the underdogs, the marginalized, the oppressed? Why is the outcry for individuals living with disabilities not louder?! GiGi as an ambassador for herself and her friends created a video to try to reach Netflix through the power of social media, we are already at 29K views, and over 450 shares. Check it out by clicking her photo below.
As I write this I am on hold with Netflix who refuse to respond or even acknowledge the prejudice and hatred Tom Segura is spewing on their network. Initially, I thought if we just let this guy and Netflix, know he is hurting people and it will be over. Instead, it ignited him to say even more horrible things! Tom Segura even posted “Netflix, please don’t take my special down that would be so retarded”.
How is this happening? His followers are even joining in saying our retarded kids should just go sit in a corner and drool. What makes this ok??
I feel like a hypocrite saying we have a voice when CLEARLY we do not! Please help me! We cannot do this alone!
~ Nancy Gianni
This is my ask to you… Who do you know that can help us? Email me directly at Our kids have enough to overcome, please help us stop this abuse and bullying.
1. Share GiGi’s video on all of your social media avenues. Check out our Facebook post here.
2. Email Netflix asking for the hateful content to be taken down. Threaten to cancel your subscription. You can reach them at, You can also email Reed Hasting CEO, & Ted Sarandos, Chief Content Officer Programming –
3. Check out Nancy & GiGi Rocking it with Steve Cochran at WGN radio Friday morning & share the message with everyone!
4. If you have not signed and shared the Petition asking Netflix to remove this show please do so by clicking HERE.
5. Donate to GiGi’s Playhouse! Help us continue to support and empower individuals with Down syndrome their families and their communities! Mark your gift in honor of “Global Acceptance.” Our kids shouldn’t have to live in a world where this type of bullying is allowed. Wouldn’t it be great if we could turn this awful situation into an opportunity where we show Tom Segura and Netflix how we come together to support what we believe in?

Update – 1/30/2018 – Still no word from Netflix but we will continue taking a stand and spreading the message of Generation G!
- Watch Nancy & GiGi on the Steve Cochran Show speaking up for ALL people!
- GiGi & Nancy welcome Patrick Fazio from NBC Chicago to the Playhouse to share about the hate speech!
I just sent the following:
I am writing regarding the above upcoming program on Netflix.
It goes without saying that if the content of this program was called out for being misogynist or racist, it would be withdrawn immediately. But unfortunately the people who are being debased are only those with disabilities. They do not have the numbers to create a sea of outrage. But it is the same thing!! Not only is this show an outrage but the defense of it has sparked ugly and outrageous comments. And yet Netflix does nothing.
How can you defend your decision to move forward??
My grandson has Down Syndrome. He is the dearest little guy in the world and my anger is on his behalf because he is too young to have a voice. I am his voice.
Lillian P Spiller
Thank you, Lillian, you are correct…..we know we can join our voices and make a loud enough call. We will not stop until we are heard.
Thank you, Nancy!! I have cancelled, I have called, I have tweeted, I have emailed but I didn’t have those emails. I do now! You know me, I will NOT stop! Thank you!
Thank you for doing this Nancy. I won’t stop either.
I just sent this to the Netflix Email contacts you listed:
I have a daughter who has Down syndrome and am outraged that Netflix is broadcasting the hate speech of Tom Segura. It attacks defenseless and innocent people who are already oppressed enough. It’s an offense to those of us who strive so hard to make the world a more equitable and accepting place. It reveals that Netflix has no concern for basic human dignity and that Netflix, rather than our loved ones, should be marginalized to the furthest extent we can achieve.
Beyond canceling my Netflix subscription, I will make all efforts to support the growing community who is just beginning to voice their opinion and take action.
I urge you to stop and get ahead of this:
Remove the anti-Down syndrome rhetoric from the show
Take the anti-disability sketch out of the trailer for the show
Issue a public apology for perpetuating hate speech and stereotype to the Down Syndrome community
Thanks Matt! The special needs community is the largest minority in the world and the least protected! I am so grateful to have people like you out there giving us all a voice! We will not stop until this stops!
This is a perspective of a twelve-year old girl you are reading from. I have siblings with special needs, and they are awesome, and unique in their own ways. I wouldn’t change them for the world. Now, if you are mocking these people for attention, to boost your sales, or anything nonsensical like that, you should be really ashamed. You should be really disappointed in yourself. These people with challenges like Down Syndrome, bring a very powerful message, and you need to understand that. No person in this world is a laughing matter, especially individuals who work hard, and are positive reinforcement. It is an extreme mistake you are making to mock disabilities (which are more like abilities to me). If you agree with me, respect all of those people that are making a difference by defending these people. Just because someone has an extra copy of chromosome 21, doesn’t define them. You will always be someone that matters in the world. Please notice the message we are giving, and do what you can to make a change.
Sincerely, SES
Thank you for reading.
Everyone should have an awesome sibling like that!! A true gift form God and great perspective!!
To Netflix’s powers that be, I have three words that have been a phrase for decades if not centuries — but ones that I am extremely discerning with. They are probably the words that I am the most careful about using, while still being willing to use. Anything harsher in my mind crosses the line into verbal abuse or is profanity.
Shame on you.
I am angry that a joke at the expense of a marginalized group is acceptable, of course. Substitute “gay” and synonyms for the words that Segura used…as pejoratives of course. Would THAT be acceptable? Of course not. By allowing and PROFITING from his ugly, disgusting words YOU, Powers that Be, are agreeing that this kind of speech is acceptable….funny, even. I don’t for a minute believe this is an issue of simple ignorance because many people before me have already expressed their disgust. For it to be pointed out, to do nothing is to agree with it.
More so than anger however, I feel embarrassment FOR Segura, and FOR YOU, Powers that Be. You clearly lack the social intelligence that in NORMAL people would moderate these opinions and behaviors. Your disability FAR exceeds that of the people you insult. Of course disabilities are typically nothing to be embarrassed about, but in THIS case it absolutely is — because it’s one not of body or mind, but of CHARACTER.
Finally, I feel sad. Nobody asks for an extra chromosome, and with one can come very serious medical conditions such as heart defects, cataracts, hearing loss, spinal problems, etc. Those with T13 or T18 usually die in infancy or childhood. But thinking about people with T21 that I’ve known throughout my life, I can honestly say that they are absolutely lovely people. Every one of them has been a privilege to know.
I will go as far as to say: this world needs more people like them. If there were more people with T21, this world would be a better place.
I have enjoyed Netflix for several years, but as of today I am finished with it. I will not contribute to your profit any more than I already have.
Thank you Kelly! Total heartfelt words that brought me to tears! I am with you sister!
Hi all,
Like many of you, I wrote to Netflix, too. I have a daughter with Down Syndrome.
Gianni, thank you for raising your voice in defense of all hsa21 people.
I wonder if there is any new developments. Please, keep us posted.