Dance Marathon goes ‘above and beyond’ expectations

We are all still wrapping our heads and hearts around the amazing weekend! “That’s something so above and beyond what GiGi’s Playhouse, on its own, is able to do,” she said. “I’m just in awe of the students here. … This is bigger than any of us realized when we started the whole thing together.” Thank you to each and every person from Northwestern University Dance Marathon, you are all rockstars!





from our founder, Nancy Gianni

I have been dreaming of this for 8 years! Did you know our first Northwestern University Dance Marathon grant was submitted in 2009 and ended up being our first strategic plan! At that time we only had 4 locations and 1 awesome employee! We were just finding our way. You were absolutely correct in turning us down but what I am not sure you realize is that YOU, NUDM, made US, GiGi’s Playhouse, stronger every year! Every year you allowed me to dream about what I would do with a million dollars and then, even though you would turn me down, I still tried to make those dreams happen every year. YOU made me stronger, YOU made me grow, YOU challenged me to be better. In fact, I would get so emotionally involved that I almost didn’t try this year because the rejection was just too much on me emotionally! But I did and here we are!! My message to you and to everyone is NEVER GIVE UP!!! Thank you Northwestern University Dance Marathon!

Acceptance, kindness and opportunity for heroic individuals with Down syndrome took center stage for 30 straight hours at the 2017 Northwestern University Dance Marathon (NUDM). A record breaking event, NUDM raised $1,253.596 million for GiGi’s Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Centers; also for Evanston Community Foundation. This year’s record fundraising results are just over $50,000 more than the 2016 total.

For 30 inspirational hours, over 1,000 student dancers and dozens of student production teams united for a more accepting, generous and kind world. And for 9 months prior to the event, 25 mature, visionary and dedicated student leaders served on the NUDM executive committee to plan this year’s extravaganza, coach dancers on fundraising and help TEACH students about GiGi’s Playhouse mission. Many students spent time at Playhouses as well as with “hero families” at on-campus gatherings and festivities.

Funds raised by NUDM will be restricted investments to help GiGi’s Playhouse in the launch or expansion of VITAL programs like speech and language therapy, GiGiFit exercise and nutrition, mobile programming for rural and inner-city families, literacy and math tutoring, and expanded volunteer training; all of which will profoundly impact individuals with Down syndrome and their families for years to come.

From GiGi’s Playhouse Founder and “Chief Belief Officer” Nancy Gianni: “Our first Northwestern University Dance Marathon grant was submitted in 2009. Though it was declined, the grant became our first strategic plan! At that time we only had 4 locations and 1 employee. NUDM was absolutely correct in turning us down, and yet NUDM made GiGi’s Playhouse stronger every year! Every year you allowed me to dream about what I would do with a million dollars and then, even though you would turn me down, I still tried to make those dreams happen every year. YOU made me stronger, YOU made me grow, YOU challenged me to be better. And now here we are! My message to you and to everyone is NEVER GIVE UP!”

“We feel like its message, entirely based in the celebration of diversity and of our differences, is something that is particularly needed right now,” DM executive co-chair Jenny Halpern told The Daily. “And so it’s felt very timely and we feel really lucky to be pouring so much energy and effort into a cause like this.”

The quote “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you” represents the very essence of NUDM. The professionalism, talents and character of all students involved reinforce that greater acceptance is within reach. The best of Generation G took many forms during the 30 hours of dancing and connecting. Some students courageously self-identified and spoke openly about their own differences. All participating students demonstrated incredible perseverance, creativity and compassion in their commitments to improve so many lives.

On behalf of GiGi’s Playhouse and all families who will benefit from program investments: “Thank you once again to everyone who contributed to NUDM for your trust, leadership and character. Your acceptance of individuals with Down syndrome and anyone who looks or feels differently will change lives today and future generations tomorrow. Thank you for believing. Thank you for caring. Never stop dancing. Keep changing the world.”


"The energy and interactions in the tent among the NU students and our GiGi’s adults was very satisfying to see."


"NUDM was definitely a great experience! It was so awesome to see the interactions between the Northwestern students and our kids and adults. The passion these students have for our organization showed immensely throughout these past few months and during the entire 30 hours at NUDM!"


"So many people begin their journey with fear, but GiGi's Playhouse help to change a parents perspective. Thank you NUDM for supporting and believing in individuals with Down syndrome"

Thanks to Tom Ricketts, owner of the Chicago Cubs for the encouraging message!

Posted by Northwestern University Dance Marathon on Saturday, March 4, 2017

Thank you again to COO of Facebook and founder of Lean In Sheryl Sandberg for your message to our #NUDM 2017 dancers!

Posted by Northwestern University Dance Marathon on Friday, March 3, 2017

Thank you so much Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Northwestern University alum and the president on VEEP, for your awesome video!

Posted by Northwestern University Dance Marathon on Saturday, March 4, 2017
Aubrey Spotlight

Meet Aubrey, a GiGi U Graduate, Spokeswoman for Generation G, and Advocate for Change. This weekend, we will show these families that Northwestern University Dance Marathon is by their side, and that will change thousands of lives forever, but now is not the time to stop fundraising. TOMORROW is the last day to reach those perks; $450: Justin Barbin photo op & dancer gift bag $650: 40-min break during NUDM $1200: 90-min break & late check-in, so keep on pushing through tomorrow and we'll see you in the tent in 2 DAYS! #AppectanceWeek #PlayForChange

Posted by Northwestern University Dance Marathon on Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Spotlight: The Mobile Playhouse Program

On #30Before30 Northwestern University Dance Marathon has set a goal of raising $30,000 to fund the first ever Mobile Playhouse for GiGi's Playhouse, Inc., providing life-changing take-home kits for individuals with Down syndrome. Northwestern, today you can give 1,000 families the resources they need to help their children reach their fullest potential. Help us #PlayForChange for the next 30 days!

Posted by Northwestern University Dance Marathon on Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thank you so much Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Northwestern University alum and the president on VEEP, for your awesome video!

Posted by Northwestern University Dance Marathon on Saturday, March 4, 2017

"Thank you Nancy for teaching us to never give up on our dreams"

"As a parent of an adult who is part of GiGi's Playhouse this weekend means everything"

"The impact of these 30 hours will be felt for generations. The world was changed for good"
