What I Learned | Eve Segel
As a college student heading into a summer internship, it is easy to expect the worst — busy work, distracted supervisors, and little room for learning or growth. But from my first days at GiGi’s Playhouse New Orleans, I realized that the team was giving me the opportunity to be a real asset, and that they wanted to make my time with them mutually beneficial. My supervisor walked me through the many steps of researching and writing grants, making sure that I felt comfortable asking questions at every stage. At our weekly meetings, she updated me on areas of the organization that were unrelated to my personal work, so that I could get a better sense of what goes on behind the scenes in nonprofits.
During the first board meeting I attended, the team asked if I could participate in their upcoming fundraiser, Step to Accept. I was nervous to take part, given that my previous fundraising experience was limited to middle school bake sales. However, I agreed because I knew that this was both a personal growth opportunity and a new way to show my support for the organization. I made a team page, got my family involved, and wrote emails to everyone in my community. I was shocked by the number of positive responses I received! It was wonderful to share the GiGi’s message of Acceptance for All with a community so close to my heart, and the experience made me feel more connected to my work and the team at GiGi’s Playhouse New Orleans.
Although my time at GiGi’s is coming to a close, I know that my relationship with this incredible organization is not ending. I plan to stay in touch throughout my senior year at Tulane and hopefully come back to work when the time is right. I cannot thank the New Orleans team enough for the experiences I had and all that I learned throughout the summer. I will miss you all!
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The New Orleans Playhouse really appreciates your enthusiasm, Eve! We’ll miss you but hope to stay connected!
Thank you, Eve!