Girl Scout Troop Celebrates Down Syndrome Acceptance Month


Did you know that October is Down Syndrome Acceptance Month? Girl Scout Troop 4883 has been working on earning their philanthropy badge which allows for girls to learn how to help others to meet their needs. Their troop leader thought that it would be the perfect opportunity for the girls to learn about GiGi’s Playhouse!


The troop enjoyed making a list of their strengths and challenges which included items such as “basketball, eating healthy, and being organized”. Then, they took the Generation G Pledge and made a personalized, inspirational card! Here are a couple of examples of quotes that were written in the cards.


“It does not matter how you look, you are strong and powerful and beautiful.”

“You are accepted!”

“You are pretty the way you are. You are nice. You are my best friend forever.”

“You are my friend no matter what!”


Amanda McGarrell, Girl Scout Troop 4883 co-leader, described the experience as a gift. Read the special message from Amanda below.


“Riley came to our Girl Scout Troop 4883 meeting to help the members earn their Philanthropy badge. She taught the girls about celebrating and accepting all and using kindness to help others. It was awesome to see the girls take the Generation G Pledge and learn about individuals with Down syndrome during Down Syndrome Acceptance Month! The girls had a blast as they learned how they can make a difference in the life of others! What a gift that GiGi’s Playhouse is to the families it serves and also to the community to make a true difference and living out the Generation G promise.”


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