New Families

Welcome to GiGi's Playhouse!

Are you a new mom?

Do you have a new addition to your family?


Welcome to the family! Click here to learn more how GiGi's can help.

Why GiGi's Exists?

GiGi’s Playhouse was created to change the way the world views a Down syndrome diagnosis and send a global message of acceptance for all.

Here to Help

Down syndrome is the largest chromosomal disability and yet, it is the least funded. From a prenatal diagnosis to career skills, we make a lifetime commitment to remain by their side. 


#GenerationG is a worldwide movement that goes beyond Down syndrome and sends a global message of acceptance for ALL!

Take the Pledge

Become a member of the #GenerationG Community, an army of change-makers set on making the world a kinder, better place for all people!


Who is GiGi's Playhouse?

With over 57+ brick-and-mortar locations across the United States and Mexico, GiGi’s Playhouse is the ONLY network of Down Syndrome Achievement Centers.

Every day, we provide FREE, life-changing therapeutic, educational, and career training programs for 30,000+ individuals of all ages. From prenatal diagnosis to career skills, we make a lifetime commitment to our families.

Upcoming Events

March 11, 2030Renaissance Schaumburg

Join us to celebrate 20 Years of FREE programs, belief, and inspiration

We challenge YOU
to MOVE for acceptance!

Find an event near you


June Was Jumping here at GiGi’s Playhouse

What a month!  Besides all of our programming, a new session of GiGi U, the 5k Run, and the launch of our V-21 Vitamin Cookie we also hosted a site coordinator training for 10 Playhouses across the country and Mexico too!  It is always so wonderful to connect with the people who are running the Playhouses…

Sending you 6 reasons to smile! Again?

Hi GiGi’s Board Members!  Sorry if you’re getting this twice – just wanted you to get a copy of what we sent out this morning to all the Inc mailing list! Moving forward, you’ll be getting a copy of this on the first Thursday of the month as well as our regular internal communication on…


Magical Moments: The Essence of GiGi’s Playhouse

  After 11 months of working at GiGi’s Playhouse, I’m still amazed by something every single day. That “something” is usually just a moment—a magical moment—where a child or young adult with Down syndrome accomplishes something wonderful that we would take for granted. It could be a firm handshake, baby steps (literally), jumping jacks, or…

Play Video

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Locations Worldwide