2019 GiGi's Playhouse Holiday Newsletter


Gratitude and Growth!

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for every one of you—we truly could not do this without you! Together, we have created the GiGi’s Ripple Effect and are changing the world through kindness, love, and acceptance!

That is Generation G! The simple but powerful message of being accepting, generous, and kind is gaining momentum worldwide. We must keep that ripple going and teach the world what a kind gesture can do. A simple smile, compliment, or acknowledgment can change someone’s day and start a ripple effect of kindness. I watch individuals with Down syndrome do this every day! They spread love, kindness, and acceptance to everyone they meet. We can all learn and grow from that.

We grow at GiGi’s every day, not just in the number of Playhouses but personally! The growth of the participants we serve through our free programs; the growth and empowerment of the volunteers, teams, and families; the growth of the world as people open up their hearts to acceptance! Everyone who walks through our doors — donors, volunteers, families, even solicitors — walk out better and more aware of the gifts God gave them and knowing that they have the ability to change the world. That’s the GiGi’s Ripple Effect!

My gratitude soars when I think about the personal growth of GiGi! The highlight of my year was watching her stand in front of 40,000 fans while singing the national anthem at a Cubs game. She worked so hard and really delivered! More important was the boy who approached her after to ask for her autograph and picture. He proudly exclaimed, “I have a sister with Down syndrome!” I hear a ripple …

GiGi’s does so much more than serve families. We plant seeds of acceptance everywhere we go.

This holiday season I wish you personal growth, love, and happiness! We are blessed to be touched by each of you. Please keep the ripple growing by sharing GiGi’s acceptance wherever you go. Together, we are changing the world!

Nancy and GiGi

GiGi’s by the Numbers Every Person, Every Program Part of the RIPPLE!


16 years old!

46 locations across the US & Mexico

35% annual growth in families served

200+ new Playhouse inquiries worldwide


160k+ volunteerhours annually

240 families joinGiGi’s monthly

40+ free therapeutic & educational programs


220k free program hours annually

99% volunteer run

5% General & Admin network wide

6 New Playhouses!!

Most people who come to us saying they want to open a GiGi’s Playhouse are not all confident business leaders. It’s more common to start off afraid and vulnerable but ready for change!

We’ve witnessed a 23-year-old teacher from Nashville who desperately desired a Playhouse for her students and a Grandma in Rockford who was afraid of technology open Playhouses. They didn’t know they were leaders, but they did the impossible. Using our replicable model, and the support from people like you, they opened Playhouses where thousands of individuals now receive free therapeutic and educational programming, and the ripple effect of their efforts extend worldwide!

One person can change the world! We all have it in us. Sometimes we just have to find it!

Grand Openings!
#41 Detroit, MI • #42 Deerfield, IL • #43 Charlotte, NC #44 Canton, OH • #45 Southern Tier, NY • #46 Little Rock, AR


The Corporate Innovation Ripple Effect! Introducing AI to Down Syndrome

What started as one donor’s idea led to Microsoft and MIT.We were approached by Microsoft and Clover Technologies with an idea to discover how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can change the lives of people with Down syndrome! Since then, the project has grown and MIT has joined in.

This summer GiGi’s was a part of two different Hackathons at Microsoft. They brought in the best and brightest to build two different “coaching bots” for GiGi’s! One is a GiGiFIT gaming app that has a virtual physical therapy based fitness coach. The other is a virtual job coach for “picking” in warehouse jobs for our adults.

These technologies are doing so much beyond promoting independence and empowerment. It is also building a massive databank to utilize AI for future development and understanding about individuals with Down syndrome.


The Ripple Effect of our Programs

GiGi U to the NBA

When Michele graduated from GiGi University, she began a career training internship at Hugs and Mugs where she touched the hearts of every customer she served. Her parents are astonished at her growth since joining GiGi U. Recently, GiGi’s helped Michele secure a job with the Windy City Bulls! Now she can share her magic with thousands of people every time she works. Talk about ripple!

One Diagnosis Inspires Many Futures

Baby Grace is turning one! She started GiGi’s last Thanksgiving when she was still in her mommy's tummy! Grace is now in LMNOP (Language Music ‘N Our Peeps) and GiGiFIT Infant. Grace and her mom help other pregnant moms, and new moms who just received the diagnosis, prepare for their futures.

Programs Impact Stats!

In the last year, we have facilitated over 220,000 hours of FREE therapeutic and educational programs! Our programs are consistently growing 15% - 30% year over year. But the lasting impacts of the programs are the ripple effect that is changing the world!


GiGi’s Free Programs

1 on 1 Tutoringand Therapy:

  • 1:1 Literacy
  • 1:1 Math
  • GiGi’s Amina Grace
  • 1:1 Speech & Language Program

Career Training & Adult Continuing Education:

  • GiGi Prep
  • GiGi U
  • GiGi's Career Studio & GiGi Professional

Group Therapeutic-Based Programs:

  • Destination Discovery
  • GiGiFIT
  • Crawlers & Walkers
  • Leaps & Bounds
  • Playhouse Pals
  • Kids Club
  • Teen Tastic
  • Fantastic Friends

Thank You to Our Corporate Partners!

Amina Grace Memorial Fund • Chicago Bears • The Coca-Cola Company Coleman Foundation • Foglia Family Foundation • Fellowes • Mitsubishi • Microsoft


The Volunteer Ripple Effect! Gala Guest to National Board

I dislike positioning GiGi’s as a ‘charity’ or a ‘not-for-profit’. True, these words describe GiGi’s tax status, but it in no way describes the high-growth, innovative business model that is GiGi’s Playhouse.

I prefer to describe GiGi’s like a rocket ship, built to help people achieve their goals and transfer kindness to others.

About 3 years ago, my wife Sharon and I decided to make GiGi’s Playhouse our main giving focus. It was the best decision we ever made. The ripple effect of this choice changed my life forever.

All ripples start at the center, and my center was when I heard Nancy speak at the National Gala two years ago. She spoke about how people with Down syndrome don’t choose it and the community is so under-served. It was emotional. It was a silver bullet moment, and I made a plan to visit a Playhouse.

Can you believe it? My wife and I had committed to making GiGi’s our annual giving focus, made significant donations for two years, but had never visited a Playhouse.

When we did, we were floored by the services from prenatal to adult. The momentum continued.

I joined the GiGi’s Playhouse National Board of Directors where I get to work with a group of committed professionals and staff who bring remarkable business acumen and share Nancy’s passion to change the world.

The hyper-growth trajectory of the business and speed of innovation is on par with Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk. If you think about it, Nancy, Elon, and Jeff have two things in common – they inspired and created businesses that are changing and disrupting the world we live in, and they build rocket ships!

I’m buckled in and ready to fly. Let’s go!!

- John Simone


GiGi’s works so hard to overcome the negativity and build up individuals with Down syndrome with our free programs and our kids are making incredible progress EVERY DAY! But when even one person stands by when someone with special needs is being laughed at or bullied it takes away all the positives and we have to start over.  GiGi’s Playhouse focuses on the continual fight for acceptance of those with Down syndrome and we need your help changing this ripple. Learn more about #JusticeforJack HERE.

Be the Positive Ripple!


Please help us overcome these negative ripples so we can continue to educate individuals with Down syndrome while teaching acceptance for all to the world!

We are a $13M Not for Profit that gives everything away for free! We have built a model that is replicable and sustainable and it is making this world a better place. But it does comes at a cost. Even though our programs are FREE to our participants, they are not free to us. If you believe in GiGi’s, help support the cause. Learn more or donate at gigisplayhouse.org

Every single one of us is one accident, one birth, one health crisis, one fall off of a bike away from being different or loving someone who is different. Differences do not discriminate and they are moments away.  Don’t we want to live in a world that accepts us all?

That’s what Generation G and the GiGi’s Ripple Effect is all about!

Let’s make the world a better place for all of our children.


Over the Top 2019 Leadership Conference


Hundreds of leaders and entrepreneurs from 60 GiGi’s locations came together for the GiGi's Playhouse 2019 National Leadership Conference. We packed 5 days with 67 speakers and 91 breakouts on strategy, training, and inspiration!


The Next Generation Ripple Effect!


GiGi’s Playhouse, Inc. launched our first Young Professional’s Board. It is so cool to be empowering the next generation of social entrepreneurs.

Look out world!!


While in New Orleans

The Cross Generational Ripple Effect!

While visiting the GiGi’s Playhouse New Orleans start-up, GiGi and I took an Uber to do a book signing. Our 81-year-old Uber driver shared that he had a brother with Down syndrome who died at the age of 65. He was very proud of his brother. When we got to the book signing, he got out of the car and asked GiGi for an autograph! He was so excited and said that he couldn’t wait to show his mother. Yep, do the math! She is 102!! They have a huge family and could not wait for GiGi’s New Orleans to open so the kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, and great-great-grandkids can volunteer and learn about their uncle who is gone today but still so loved. This really opened my eyes to the fact that we are serving individuals with Down syndrome every day with our free programs BUT we are also giving a VOICE to the amazing individuals who came before us. Their families are so grateful to finally see them celebrated and educated.