GiGi’s Impact | Volunteering

GiGi’s Playhouse is possible in so many areas across the US & in Mexico because of Volunteers. The amount of time, talent and treasures these volunteers share with our families is just awe-inspiring. We can never say thank you enough. We are happy to share how GiGi’s has impacted on volunteer from GiGi’s Playhouse Cleveland.

volunteer spotlight – elaine tosko

Here at GiGi’s Playhouse, we absolutely adore our volunteers. They truly are the heartbeat of our Playhouse! This month we shine the spotlight on one of our amazing literacy tutors – Elaine Tosko! Elaine has been tutoring here at GiGi’s since December. Her energy and creativity are such a great addition to the Playhouse! Here she is with her student, Albert. These two make such a great team! Here’s her story:

“I discovered GiGi’s simply walking past it – the cheerful space caught my eye and I had to know what was happening in there!  I was thrilled to learn about GiGi’s mission to “change the way the world views Down syndrome…and by empowering individuals with Down syndrome.”  After meeting with Lizz and some of the volunteers I knew this was a place I wanted to devote my time and services.  I  volunteered to be a reading tutor and was immediately enrolled in training.  I’ve now been working with an amazing young man who inspires me every time I see him.  I look forward to our weekly sessions.

There are many great programs and activities at GiGi’s that are having a positive impact on individuals with Down syndrome as well as their families.  As much as they already do, they are always looking for more services to offer. I hope to become more involved over time. I love walking through the front door of GiGi’s – I am always immediately uplifted and can’t think of a better place to spend my time.”


If you would like to learn more about volunteering at GiGi’s Playhouse please visit us  HERE.




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