Perspective of GiGi’s Playhouse Changes for Volunteer Turned Board Member Who Loses Eyesight

It started with a message. One that really caught the attention of Chief Belief Officer, Nancy Gianni. Enough so that Nancy shared it with a small group of story gatherers at GiGi’s Playhouse headquarters. It is not often that people start volunteering that they find themselves experiencing some of the same challenges as those they help, but that is exactly what happened to one of GiGi’s own volunteers. This is the story of 27-year-old Shelby Bushey, and how GiGi’s came into her life before she even knew it was her who would need them.

Holly Tonak( Director of Fort Wayne GiGi’s Playhouse), Matt (GiGi’s Participant), and Shelby volunteering at Shepherd’s House

Like many college students, Shelby needed an internship. She passed GiGi’s in Fort Wayne, Indiana all the time, so it was an easy decision as to where she would fulfill that requirement. Also, like many who walk through a Playhouses’ door for the first time, Shelby was immediately embraced by those who greeted her.

An individual with Down syndrome by the name of Cameron came up to her and said “Welcome to GiGi’s, you’re so cute, come on in.” You could say the rest was history, but that would not tell even half of Shelby’s story.

During Shelby’s internship, she attended the popular GiGi’s Gala. That is when she truly fell in love with the organization. As a dedicated volunteer, Shelby contacted the women who organized the Fort Wayne Gala. Shelby’s dedication and true passion eventually earned her a spot on the Board of Directors at the local Playhouse.

Fast forward to the COVID-19 pandemic. That is when everything changed. Shelby, still a devoted board member, contracted the illness, and a blood clot developed in her brain. Her optic nerves began shutting down because the blood clots were not going away. The pressure on her optic nerves was so intense she had multiple surgeries and lost her eyesight.

Shelby, Lorri Meyer, Sandy Whitmore and Holly Tonak at GiGi’s Playhouse Fort Wayne Gala

Feeling hopeless and even depressed about her new disability, Shelby struggled to return to the environment she loved at GiGi’s, “I almost didn’t go back to the Playhouse, I was so embarrassed of what I was going through,” Shelby says. Yet, somehow, she gathered her strength and returned. “When I came back to the playhouse, nothing changed. I was me, I was just Shelby,” she says. “I was welcomed with open arms. There was no difference between me when I had my vision and when I was blind.”

“My friends at GiGi’s will take my hand when I walk in and guide me around the playhouse… and if Cameron finds out I haven’t eaten, he’ll bring me a cheese quesadilla.” A true sign of friendship.

The way she was embraced was a welcome relief. Outside the safe, colorful walls of GiGi’s, Shelby suddenly found herself on the receiving end of being treated poorly. Now more than ever she can relate to the people she is helping.


Dave (GiGi’s Participant) and Shelby at a GiGi’s Playhouse Golf Outing

It has been one year since Shelby went blind, and looking back, she says, “I know we help individuals with Down syndrome, but we are really helping everybody. There is something for everyone.”

With the help of her family, Shelby continues what she considers her dream: showing up for the GiGi’s community. Each of her family members stepped up to make sure she could get to each GiGi’s event. “My family loves GiGi’s because of how much I love GiGi’s.” Last year, Shelby got to check off another goal on her GiGi’s To-Do List, speaking at the Fort Wayne Gala. Again, she found herself completing another major milestone she had always dreamed of. Something she made happen despite her disability.

Shelby with her parents (Stacey & Laura) and brothers (Shawn & Logan)

And that college volunteer credit that got her to walk through the doors of GiGi’s Playhouse? It turns out Shelby did not even need it. But Shelby being Shelby, put her entire experience into perspective, saying, “It was fate”. Fate to be in the right place at the right time, fate to have the resources and support system to make it through one of life’s most difficult moments before even realizing she would need it. She is meant to be right here- a crucial part of the GiGi’s organization and the Fort Wayne community- no matter how you look at it.


Shelby’s Message to Nancy Gianni:

Hi beautiful lady! I just wanted to reach out and personally thank you for literally everything you have done for the down syndrome community. You and GiGi literally are two of my most favorite people in this entire world. When I went blind, I literally was so hopeless and hated myself and didn’t know what I wanted to do or how I was going to accomplish anything, but you and GiGi‘s Playhouse truly saved me. You have helped me so much throughout this last year and a half and I do not know how to thank you enough. The Playhouse has been my safe place and has been somewhere where I truly feel excepted and loved. in the last year and a half, I have seen how hard having a disability is and how being treated poorly is something that will happen no matter what. I mean this from the bottom of my heart, you and GiGi and GiGi’s Playhouse saved my life. I’m not sure if you saw the speech that I gave at our Fort Wayne gala this year, I posted it on Facebook but in that moment, I knew I was where I was supposed to be. GiGi‘s Playhouse has given me a purpose and given me a new way to learn about having a disability and be there for those who do not have anyone in their corner. I really just wanted to say thank you because I truly do not know what I would do without GiGi’s Playhouse in my life! I cannot wait to hopefully get to see you sometime soon and dance with GiGi on the dance floor somewhere! Love you, GiGi and our whole GiGi‘s Playhouse family so very much! XOXO

Shelby’s Gala Speech from April 2022:

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