The My Extra Chromosome campaign was created to honor people with Down syndrome who were born with "a little something extra." People with Down syndrome have an extra copy of the 21st chromosome, which can affect how their brains and bodies develop. Wearing your Extra Chromosome represents your love for people with Down syndrome and your commitment to be accepting of all through #GenerationG!
The GiGi's Extra Chromosome comes in all forms, (see below) from temporary tattoos and stickers to t-shirts and key chains, and even eye-catching gold and diamond necklaces! Wearing your Extra Chromosome signifies your love for people with Down syndrome and your commitment to be accepting of all through #GenerationG!

Use this note to send someone their own extra chromosome

Support GiGi's Playhouse with the purchase of a Gold, Silver or diamond Extra Chromosome necklace from our partners at Diamonds Direct.

Check out our online store for shirts, stickers, keychains and more!

Help us spread the word about this amazing campaign.
Post on social media and when you use the #myextrachromosome you will appear in the feed below
Some sample post language:
My EXTRA chromosome represents
My love for people with Down syndrome
My commitment to be accepting of all through #GenerationG