Everything Really is Bigger in Texas – Especially the Miracles!
GiGi and I had nothing short of an astounding weekend in Dallas!! It was a trip filled with unexpected miracles complete with a reassuring penny sent straight from my Angels! For those willing to see, these “God moments” were everywhere and served as poignant reminders that GiGi’s Playhouse IS making a big difference in the lives of families, and only strengthened my resolve to continue to extend our reach right there in Dallas and around the globe!
My first “miracle” happened on Friday while at the GiGi’s Playhouse booth at the National Down Syndrome Convention catching up with the husband of our El Paso Playhouse founders, Bill Moody. He was asking me if I had done anything more with our International model that we had discussed at the GiGi’s Playhouse National Conference last November. After we opened our mission Playhouse in Mexico We have not had time to refine our international model and have put a hold on opening Playhouses in other countries. This has been very hard for me especially since countries like Nigeria are desperate for our help. I told him I was buried in projects and that I was literally taking my cues from God and had not been given a big sign yet to jump into opening another international Playhouse. He told me that there was a doctor in El Paso, who was a part of the GiGi’s Medical Symposium we put on last year, that wanted to open a Playhouse in Chile! Yes, that Chile… alllll the way in South America!!! I have had some inquiries from Chile so I said we would get everyone together and we would see where it takes us. If a sign came then we will know it was meant to be! At that moment I took a step away from Bill and Antonella, who was working in the GiGi’s booth, grabbed me and said: “You have to meet this family from Chile!” I froze, I thought she was kidding and had heard my conversation with Bill. When I realized she was serious, I pointed to Bill and said to the family from Chile visiting our booth “Do you know this man?” They looked at me confused and said “Um no”. I got goosebumps everywhere! I had just asked for a sign and boy did I get one! With my mind running a mile a minute knowing that we will now be opening another international Playhouse in Chile, GiGi and I made our way to breakfast. I was excited that God had been so blatant this time! While fumbling around to pay for our breakfast I dropped my credit card and it landed on the ground under the counter. When I went down to pick it up I saw a beautiful penny! I knew my Angels were at it again showing me where to go and saying “Where there’s a will, there’s a way. You can and must do this!!” Welcome, GiGi’s Playhouse Chile!
Our second “miracle” arrived in the form of a visit from a GiGi’s family that stopped by the booth to express their gratitude for giving them hope during a very uncertain time in their lives. Back in 2008, they had a child with Down syndrome. They had not been prepared for this diagnosis, and like so many other families, were not given hopeful news about their child’s future. However, that all changed when they were given our GiGi’s Awareness Calendar. They told us… “Your 2008 Calendar saved our lives and showed us what to be hopeful for.” It’s always so gratifying to learn that what we do at GiGi’s, from all the FREE educational and therapeutic programs to raising awareness with our Annual Calendar, continues to change lives for the better every day!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eRI21_EA04&w=560&h=315]
Our “miracle” #3 in Dallas originated from home, at the very first GiGi’s Playhouse in Hoffman Estates, Illinois. A beautiful family that had recently moved from Illinois to Dallas, and desperately missed having a local Playhouse, visited the booth to drop off a generous donation for GiGi’s. Sitting on display, front and center at the booth was a picture of GiGi’s Playhouse in Hoffman Estates. Katelynn, their daughter with Down syndrome, recognized the picture of her former playhouse and immediately got very excited, shouting joyfully, “MY GiGi’s! MY GiGi’s! MY GiGi’s!” She grabbed the picture and started hugging it and skipping around. Her reaction caught the attention of many people near the booth and a crowd gathered to see what was making this beautiful child light up with so much glee. Long story short, a stranger watching this incredible display of love expressed their desire to help bring a playhouse to Dallas for beautiful Katelynn and all of her friends, and many in the crowd echoed their enthusiasm. And so as simple as that, out of the love from one grateful family, the road to opening another GiGi’s Playhouse begins!
In Chapter 9 of my book, #GenerationG, I talk about the many “miracles” that helped to get GiGi’s where it is today. And since 2003, the miracles haven’t stopped. As our landlord once said “I have never seen a project like this in all my life. When you need something, it just shows up. So many miracles that I can’t explain!” It is called self-fulfilled prophecy brother!! Then I told him, “A higher power is driving this mission. I am just blessed to be sitting in the driver’s seat navigating this wild ride!”
Our trip to Dallas has certainly proved that this mission, fueled by miracles, is only just beginning.
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Your book Gabe me confidence and pride.
This is such a beautiful read, literately reading this with goosebumps and tears in my eyes! It is the energy and passion that is clearly shown in everything you do Nancy. Everyday I am am thankful that I have been a part of watching GiGi’s Playhouse grow and grow. God has a huge plan for you on this earth!
LOVE THIS SO MUCH- I was covered in goosebumps while reading! Our families are so blessed to have you driving, Nancy! I can’t wait to see where God takes GiGi’s Playhouse next.
To see a little 6 year old girl become overwhelmed at the site of her old playhouse was amazing .
Katlynn has been living in the Dallas area for the past 16 months, I think she misses her GiGi’s. Wow what an impact the playhouse has had on her that after 16 months she becomes thrilled at the site of her Playhouse.
Katlynn my wish for you is that your passion transforms to a team of believers and your GiGi’s will soon be in your neighborhood. We often hear about the impact from the family members, but to see it first hand from a 6 year old little girl amazing !
GiGi ‘s just continues to make a positive impact on our society. Katlynn shows us the power of the playhouse. Thank you Katlynn, your love for GiGi’s is contagious.