Meet our future intern – Aubrey

This week we have our first guest Blogger – Aubrey S.   Aubrey is currently a student at GiGi U.  She is very anxious to graduate in a few weeks and join our crew at Hugs + Mugs as an Intern.    Here’s what Aubrey had to say about GiGi U and Hugs + Mugs – PIC1 Hi, my name is Aubrey Soukup and I want to tell you about myself.  I moved to Chicago one year ago from Seattle.  I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters.  My hobbies are music, bowling, tae kwon doe and watching YouTube videos about GiGi’s.  I love going to GiGi’s Playhouse because I have met many new friends.  I always walk inside the doors of GiGi’s Playhouse with a big smile on face.  The best part of GiGi U is when Mrs. Mary Jo likes to have fun and make everyone laugh.  I have so may memorable moments with my class, like walking outside together as a class when the sun is out, play tag, smiling and laughing.  One lesson I have learned is to not judge anyone and to inspire others with Downs syndrome.  When I get older I want to either be a tutor of special needs kids, and a leader.  Those are 2 great ideas for when I grow up.  The best thing about GiGi’s Playhouse is being accepted with no charge of money.  We can make a difference by the way others view people with Down syndrome.  The best thing about having Down syndrome is being accepted, loved unconditionally, cared for and understanding others with Down syndrome who might have hard or difficult times.  I love GiGi’s Playhouse because people can understand if we are having our hard or difficult times, we learn to live a happy and healthy life and we all come together as one and one funny thing is I only liked walking when I am walking into the kitchen which I don’t do that anymore because I am learning to eat healthy.  Oh yeah and we cant forget that when we graduate that’s the most awesome part of GiGi’s is working at Hugs + Mugs.  We have accomplished so much and our parents are so proud.  I love GiGi U!   Aubrey is an amazing young lady – We are all very proud of you and the entire graduating class of GiGi U.  We can’t wait for you to join our team at Hugs + Mugs!

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  1. mary Frances woodall on August 5, 2014 at 9:59 am

    Hi Aubrey, Congrats and keep up the good work, (and play). I live in a small town 55 Mikes south of Indianapolis Indiana. I have a son with Down’s Syndrome would his 34. I wish we had had more opportunities like Gigi’s. Take care and keep up the good work. See ya on facebook.

  2. Stephanie on August 8, 2014 at 9:58 am

    We are so pleased to have Aubrey in GiGi U, she is such a great leader and I am quite fortunate to be her teacher!

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