Join Us In Making Gala Greeting Cards!

Hello GiGi’s Playhouse Twin Cities Families!

We are hard at work at planning for the 2024 GiGi’s Playhouse Gala, our largest fundraiser of the year. We are now in the 5th year of making sets of greeting cards featuring artwork by self-advocates in our community. We are once again looking for submissions!

If you are not familiar with the cards, they are similar to cards that you have probably seen from other nonprofits, with a drawing on the front and a short bio on the backThis is where you come in! We are seeking artwork from your children or self-advocates nowWe are open to all types of 2D art, such as paintings, watercolors, collages, and photography. Any size of artwork under 24″x36″ is acceptable. 

We will be attempting to have a balance of styles of artwork, and various demographics represented. If we have numerous donations, we may not be able to use every item or piece of artwork. But, we’ll make sure to find other opportunities throughout the year to highlight all of the artwork!

We know there are many talented people in our community, so we cannot wait to see what you have to offer! Please email with any questions!

We will be holding a Gala Card Making Event on Sunday, December 10th from 2-4pm at the Playhouse. Join us for a couple hours of creativity and fun!

If you can not attend the event, the due date for submission is Sunday, December 17th. You can either email a high quality scan (jpeg or PDF) or bring the artwork to the Playhouse. Please fill out this submission form with the information about the artist. 

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