
What? We can’t hear you! Speak Up!

This summer our Speech & Language program worked hard on giving participants their voices so that others can hear them and also break down the barriers of communicating personal wants and needs. The Amina Grace Speech and Language program partners with GiGi’s Playhouse nationwide including right here in the Quad...

Join us for the 2023 Feeling Lucky Gala!

Another year has come and gone and we're getting ready to celebrate our Playhouse turning 12 years old on October 1st. We feel lucky to be part of the fantastic and generous Quad CIties community but even more lucky to be part of the lives of individuals who happen to...

September 2023

There is a great line of FREE purposeful programs this fall. Check them all out here and register today! Destination Discover (All Ages) Saturday, September 9th from 10-11:30 am It's Grandparents Day and we're celebrating royalty! Register to attend here. Younger friends are invited to join us for LMNOP prior....

A is for Achievers

We are excited to bring the Achievers program to our local Playhouse. This program has been offered at other locations over the years although it has been called different names (EPIC, SMART. TEAM). All locations will be transitioning to a more unified program and name. The GiGi’s Achievers program empowers...

Welcome Allison!

Allison Cahill Please help us welcome Allison Cahill to the Playhouse. Allison is our new Program & Volunteer Coordinator. She is currently getting acclimated and completing training. Allison will oversee the planning and coordination of most of the group programs and the volunteers that lead and assist with those programs...

Ollie has grown by Leaps & Bounds!

This summer we held the Leaps & Bounds program as a 6 week session based program. Leaps & Bounds is a play-based program for children that focuses on success in preschool and kindergarten. Students participate in fun and engaging activities that provide opportunities for following routines, small group participation, movement and interaction with their...

Celebrating Independence and Achievement!

Throughout the month of July, we along with others around the nation celebrated the nation's independence but here at GiGi’s, we are always celebrating independence. The independence of our participants! Many of our programs are specifically designed to foster independence. We often get to witness the growth of that independence...

Fall in love with GiGi’s this fall!

It's hard to believe that fall will be here before we know it. Here are GiGi's we are working hard to finalize all of our fall program plans but we NEED your help! You are invited to be part of our fall and our future too! We know you'll fall...

Volunteers Spotlight – JDC 2023

Thank the 55 volunteers that helped out at the John Deere Classic this summer. This was the best year yet for volunteer coverage at this event. Many thanks to Blackhawk Bank & Trust, Corteva, and Rockridge Bus Barn for allowing staff to volunteer and/or bringing a group to volunteer. We...

How does your garden grow?

It’s that time of year! Time for fun in the sun, enjoying some lazy time outdoors, and of course- Gardening! Earlier in June, Christy and Mike spent some time planting the raised garden bed at the Playhouse, and wow, was it fun! They planted eggplant, bell peppers, a miniature tomato...
Roger Headshot

Welcome Summer Intern – Roger

We are excited to have 2 interns with us this summer. You've hopefuly already "met" Jade via our previous blog. Today we're introducing you to Roger! Roger is eager to capture some of the amazing moments that happen here at GiGi's on video! Hello! My name is Roger, and I...

Meet Our Summer Intern – Jade

If you've been at programs recently you may have already met Jade as she has been eager to get started with her marketing internship here at GiGi's Playhouse Quad Cities. Jade is an Augustana College student and will be here with us until mid August. We asked Jade to provide...