Why GiGi’s | Meet the Lembkes

A No Limits Down Syndrome Story

GiGi’s Playhouse is a place where we go to celebrate our children! It has been so fun to see all of the kids grow and learn new things, and when one of them reaches a milestone, we all celebrate. The support that I have received has helped me to be a better mother and it has allowed me to then give back to this community, that I feel so blessed to a part of, by sharing what I have learned along the way with other families who are just starting their journey. So, thank you to GiGi’s Playhouse for giving our family a place to connect with others and for celebrating all of those individuals with Down syndrome by cheering each of them on every single day. We are excited to continue to watch Makenna grow alongside her friends at GiGi’s Playhouse Indianapolis for many years to come!

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