Best of All: Matthew

Matthew’s back with another Best of All moment!

best of all (noun) \best of all\

is continual, measurable, celebrated and it never ends. It is a daily challenge to do a little better than you did the day before and it’s always celebrated. Possible manifestations: standing just one second longer, reading just one more word, learning just one new number, taking just one more step, never a competition, never completed.

  • During the September Leaps & Bounds session, Matthew took the liberty to offer to read a book to the group. He did his best to sound out every word and phrase and held the book up to show the pictures to the other participants in the group.
  • Matthew has also been participating in our Amina Grace Speech and Language program this fall, where he has been very attentive and has stayed in the room with Ms. Sydney for the duration of his session each week.
  • We were also very proud of Matthew recently for choosing to share the swing with a friend and being able to communicate how he was feeling, rather than letting big emotions take over.

Keep up the great work, Matthew!


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