Volunteer Spotlight: Maddie
December 1, 2021

Tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am currently attending the University of Toledo majoring in recreational therapy. I will be furthering my education in occupational therapy in the Fall of 2022. My passion for volunteering and working with individuals with disabilities has come natural to me due to having a twin brother with cerebral palsy, autism, hydrocephalus, and mood disorder. I have 2 other siblings, an older brother and younger sister. Spending time with friends and family is very important to me so that is what I enjoy doing in my free time, as well as volunteering at Gigis Playhouse!
We want to get to know you! What are some of your favorites? (food, color, season, activity, restaurant, place to shop, etc.)
My favorite fruit is pineapple! I love the color pink. One of my favorite things to do is hammock and listen to music! My favorite season is definitely summer, I love being able to go outside and just relax while soaking up the sun.
How did you learn about GiGi’s and what prompted you to become a volunteer?
I heard about GiGi’s Playhouse from my professor when trying to find a clinical placement. When I came to the volunteer orientation, I was greeted by smiling faces and a welcoming group which was when I knew this was going to be a great place to volunteer at.
What is your role at the Playhouse?
At the playhouse, I help lead a program called Kids Club! Kids Club gives the participants an opportunity to work on socialization as well as their fine and gross motor skills.
What is your favorite experience you have had at the Playhouse?
My favorite experience I had while volunteering with GiGi’s Playhouse was the scavenger hunt during First Friday! It was a great opportunity for the community to get to know more about GiGi’s, but also introduced me to other amazing volunteers that I had never met before! Overall, it was a great time and everyone seemed to have fun!
Maddie has been a tremendous asset to our GiGi’s Playhouse Canton team! She has put in over 50 volunteer hours since starting with us in May. She has helped bring a program back to our Playhouse, has shared her talents for various administrative projects, and has the biggest heart for our participants. As an organization that is 99% volunteer run, we can all use more people like Maddie! Thank you for all your work! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please sign up at https://gigisplayhouse.org/canton/volunteer/.
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